Hi Semi!

 On 2012.07.18 at 16:37:31 +0300, Semi wrote next:

> 1) When the SL6.3 is expected? Centos 6.3 already exists.

*sigh* I like SL mailing lists so much because people here are very
thoughtful and there isn't storm of similar questions, irritated people
and rude answers like during Centos 6.0/6.1 "yet to be released" times;
I'd love if this ML could stay nice and calm and there won't be any more
similar questions until actual release.

I don't blame you for asking this, just hope there won't be any more
similar questions.

Anyhow, if you *really-really* feel like trying out something that feels
like SL6.3 and don't mind it'll break your system, you can try to do
this on some non-production system to try out SL6.3 beta. This is NOT
recommended and NOT supported, also you really might have problems
upgrading to 6.3 final after these steps - but if you feel like toying
with your system a bit, why not? If you discover some bug you can help
testers, too. Just report it carefully and don't complain that you
discovered it :)

--- (don't do this on production systems) ---
# yum clean all
# yum --releasever=6rolling update
--- (don't do this on production systems) ---

Some external repos are incompatible with this style of upgrade so you
might have to turn them off with --disablerepo=... (in my case, I had to
disable pgdg91).

and make sure you really understand implications of installing beta
version. There really is no point in doing this on almost any production
system because most important security fixes from 6.3 were backported to
6.2 already. However, if you are eager to get the taste of 6.3, feel
free to do it, it's here and it works (at least for me).



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