I run yum update to latest on SL5.0. After successful update to SL5.8
some packages disappeared such as mysql-server and php support.
Can somebody explain such strange behavior?

On 7/18/2012 8:45 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:
On 18/07/12 15:37, Semi wrote:

2) When I run update from Centos I also updating the release number.

For example:
from Centos 5.2
yum update
I'll get Centos 5.8

and SL doesn't raises the release version ?
That's documented here:

SL 6.x:

SL 5.x:

Unless you have installed the yum-conf-sl6x package (on SL6.x), you
won't upgrade the minor version of the distro automatically.  So in that
case, you need to do it explicit as described above.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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