On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Mark Stodola <stod...@pelletron.com> wrote:
> On 08/16/2012 08:38 AM, Artifex Maximus wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Is there any recommended way to create a custom ISO installer? I have
>> no X on my SL just pure console. I've read that revisor is old and not
>> supported but pungi is great. I've tried pungi under Fedora 17 for
>> "cross build" without success (packages were downloaded but some
>> problems with anaconda at building boot image stage). CentOS 6.3 does
>> not have pungi. I think SL does not have pungi as well. So revisor is
>> the only tool for building such images here in SL land?
>> Bye,
>> a
> Revisor is the recommended tool for SL6.  You always have the option of
> rolling by hand.  I use a set of modified scripts to roll custom SL5 images
> based on the documentation on the SL's website and from searching the web.
> If you simply want to customize the packages, you can make the necessary
> changes, rebuild the repo data, update the comps files, and build the image.

Thank you.

> Remember, SL and TUV are _not_ bleeding edge like Fedora.  Just because the
> bleeding edge calls something "old" doesn't mean it is garbage and useless.
> It just means someone has come up with a new/different way of accomplishing
> the same task.

That is clear for me and I do not think that old means useless. As I
would like to keep myself in picture I am using several Linux
distribution and one of them is Fedora 17. As Fedora is similar to TUV
(and SL and CentOS) and uses RPM I think that "cross building" is
possible. But that is not the case.


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