On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Connie Sieh <cs...@fnal.gov> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2012, Artifex Maximus wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Is there any recommended way to create a custom ISO installer? I have
>> no X on my SL just pure console. I've read that revisor is old and not
>> supported but pungi is great. I've tried pungi under Fedora 17 for
>> "cross build" without success (packages were downloaded but some
>> problems with anaconda at building boot image stage). CentOS 6.3 does
>> not have pungi. I think SL does not have pungi as well. So revisor is
>> the only tool for building such images here in SL land?
> It is what we use to build SL 6 .  Revisor is include in the release along
> with the config files used to build the release.

Thank you.


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