Hello David,
I'm not familiar with freeIPA, but anyway you can start by better identifying 
the process. 
In top, get the PID and look under /proc/$PID - in particular  exe will be a 
link to the binary, like
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 27 01:41 /proc/1/exe -> /sbin/init

pstree -p -H $PID 
will help you identify the parent process, if there's one.


On 27 Nov 2012, at 16:21, David Fitzgerald wrote:

> Hello,
> Sorry for the length of this post, but I want to make sure I give all the 
> information needed for someone to help.
> I have a lab of 25 workstations running Scientific Linux 6.2.  User accounts 
> are authenticated via freeIPA, and auto mounted to an NFS server and the 
> users use Gnome 2.8.  The NFS and freeIPA servers are located on the same 
> server (IP which is also running Scientific Linux 6.2 and is a 
> virtual guest in VMware ESXI 4.1.
> During class when the workstations are most heavily in use, the students are 
> writing Fortran programs with gedit and usually have firefox up as well.  
> Here is my predicament.  During class some of the workstation screens will 
> freeze with no mouse or keyboard input.  This can last for varying lengths of 
> time, sometimes a few minutes, some other times for the full length of the 
> class.  I can ssh  in to the frozen machines and top will show load averages 
> of up to 4 or more.  The process taking up the most CPU is one I don’t 
> recognize named  The being the IP address of my 
> server.  I have no idea what that process is related to, whether it’s 
> freeIPA,  NFS, Gnome or something else.  Killing the process doesn’t help as 
> it simply restarts with a new PID.   Note that the freezing does NOT happen 
> when only a few people are using the lab, so reproducing the problem outside 
> of class time is difficult.
> Can anyone help me track down this problem and fix it?
> I appreciate any help you can give.
> Thanks!
> Dave
> +++++++++++++++++++++++
> David Fitzgerald
> Department of Earth Sciences
> Millersville University
> Millersville, PA 17551
> Phone: 717-871-2394

 Sergio Ballestrero  - http://physics.uj.ac.za/psiwiki/Ballestrero
 University of Johannesburg, Physics Department
 ATLAS TDAQ sysadmin team - Office:75282 OnCall:164851

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