On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Larry Linder
<larry.lin...@micro-controls.com> wrote:
> On Sunday 27 January 2013 1:17 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Anyone running LibreOffice on a Server?
>> Appreciate ideas on how to implement some of the MS office features on a
>> Web Server
>> TIA
> We have been running LibreOffice3.5 for a while and recently upgraded systems
> to LibreOffice3.6 to enable us to read and write more M$ formats.  See
> previous posts about  adding "export  OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=none" to .bashrc
> or /etc/bashrc if you have a number of users on a server.  Off line I can
> give you an idea what kind of stuff we have hooked together.

The best location for that is /etc/profile.d/libreoffice.sh, if you're
going to tweak system settings for all users. This keeps you from
editing a core system file and potentially and accidentally breaking
it for *everyone*.

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