On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Mark Stodola <stod...@pelletron.com> wrote:
> On 02/07/2013 04:17 PM, Andrew Z wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i need to set up samba. and apparently there was a new release 4 already.
>> so i did yum search, but:
>> samba4-4.0.0-23.alpha11.el6.x86_64
>> [root@server ~]# rpm -ql samba4
>> /usr/share/doc/samba4-4.0.0
>> /usr/share/doc/samba4-4.0.0/COPYING
>> /usr/share/doc/samba4-4.0.0/WHATSNEW4.txt
>> i'm not sure what exactly i need to install here?
>> or should i just let it be and get samba 3 instead? My requirements are
>> very ancient - share printer and direcories. no need for active dir etc.
>> Thank you
>> AZ
> I would recommend removing the samba4 packages and install the samba
> packages (3.5.x) from the SL repo.  If you need newer in the 3 series,
> sernet (http://ftp.sernet.de/pub/samba/3.6/rhel/6/x86_64/) provides
> up-to-date builds designed to not conflict with the rest of your
> installation.

Mine are, frankly, better for Red Hat or Scientific Linux: they're
more consistent with Red Hat structure, and they handle the detection
of native OS considerably more reliable,and in tested combination with
the "mock" tool for building RPM's, and with SL 6.3 and RHEL 6.3.

Those tools are published at:


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