On 04/13/2013 08:43 PM, zxq9 wrote:
On 04/14/2013 11:07 AM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
Does anyone know of a site that gives status on
this sort of thing, so I do not have to wait to
hear it on the news?

Visualization of aggregated latency times in various regions. I haven't
used this one much so I don't know how accurate its stats are VS the way
things feel at the user level.

Anything disruptive enough to impact a region or large ISP will usually
show up here, but it doesn't carry much detail.

The only reliable way to test things is check point-to-point, of course,
but most of the time users saying the "internet" is slow means "latency
between me and one of Facebook, Google, YouTube, Vimeo, or [favorite
game server] is slow" so point-to-point checks don't always make sense
and a general traffic report might not provide any heads up.

Thank you!

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