The issue is that the application would not pass configure without disabling these options. I have tried the various pre-built RPMs for vlc that have been mentioned, but all the ones that I have found have dependencies that cause conflicts with other versions of the same dependency (typically, some .so package). Because the linux application environment is not polymorphic with encapsulation, one cannot have both versions of some such dependency installed.

I do have a version of vlc that does run but for which I do not have an RPM; by copying that binary, its libraries, and its support directory tree from machine to machine, we have a functional but rather old vlc.

Hence, I am looking for a set of RPMs or a set of source code applications/libraries that will build under SL6x to allow me not to required that these codecs be disabled.

As I supplied the list, does anyone have the information to allow me to address the above? Presumably, once built, I can repackage the lot as a tar.gz file or even a non-stock RPM for EL6x . Obviously, I could do this for the crippled (disabled codecs) version of vlc-2.0.7 that I currently have built. Also presumably, once this issue is addressed for vlc-2.0.7, it will stay addressed until vlc-3 must be built.

Yasha Karant

On 07/12/2013 12:55 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
Hi brother,

you disabled many codecs while configuring the  vlc...
--disable-avcodec --disable-swscale --disable-postproc

avc codec are most important with postprocessing filters.. these thing
are also disabled.. try torebuilding the same without disabling such

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Todd And Margo Chester
< <>> wrote:

     On 07/11/2013 05:49 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

         Under X86-64 SL6x, I have successfully built vlc-2.0.7 from
         source with
         the configure command:

            ./configure --disable-lua --disable-mad --disable-avcodec
         --disable-swscale --disable-postproc --disable-a52

         the resulting vlc does run , but cannot open many types of files,
         including files of extension webm

         Does anyone know either which RPMs or which files/libraries that
         need to
         built from source will address the above shortcomings,
         irrespective of
         the geographical location from which these must be downloaded?

         Yasha Karant

     Hi Yasha,

     I just use the RPM from atrpms and the following script.
     First time through, change "upgrade" to "install".



     Cmd="yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=atrpms* upgrade vlc"
     echo "$Cmd"
     su root -c "$Cmd"

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