On 09/11/2013 02:58 PM, Elias Persson wrote:
On 2013-09-11 20:37, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
On 09/11/2013 10:44 AM, Taylor Woods wrote:
I have tried SBEr1 it wasnt a walk in the park, it made me second think
abiut doing it.

Hi Taylor,

Thank you,

Do you have a reference to this?  Google gives me a bunch
of unrelated clutter.


I suspect this is what's being referred to:

(google sber1 linux)

At a glance, seems like the opposite of what you're looking for.
Backtrack might be appropriate, but seems more like the tool you'd
use to punch holes than the thing to perforate.

If you have that VM Ware image (or know where to get it), why not
use it? (not a rhetorical question.)
(for more info, if needed, google convert vmware kvm)

I am downloading this one:

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