I do not know why but I do minimal installs eth0 is always set NOT to be 
enabled on boot.  If you edit the eth0 config script it will be fine.


Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.

~Stack~ <i.am.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have run into a problem with 6.4 that I can reproduce in my
environment that has had me stumped for a few hours. I found nothing
that appeared to directly relate to my problem when searching the
list/net. Maybe I have been staring at it too long or maybe its because
it is well past midnight, but I am confused and maybe someone else can
help. :-D

The problem: Servers don't get a DHCP IP after booting up.

The background:
I have a small test environment and I am working on building something
from "the base up". I want as small of a start install as I can get. I
PXE booted 4 servers with the following package selection of tools I
know I am going to need:

%packages --nobase

In the post section I have a script that configures a repo for other
software, but the only thing that is actually installed is
puppet+dependencies. There are ~230 packages installed when it boots the
first time.

I have done nothing special with the network configuration. It is just
DHCP. They get a DHCP IP for the PXE boot, then again during install,
however, when they boot up there is no request made to the server that I
can see. If I manually log in on the box and run 'ifup eth0' it pulls a
DCHP IP within seconds and all is well...until the next boot up when it
requires a manual start of the network again.

I manually have to run `ifup eth0` on every box on a fresh boot!

In my experimentation, I installed from a CD using the

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