On 01/12/2016 04:09 PM, Tim Kanuka wrote:
We have just started our migration to SL7x. We did make the call on whether to 
go with Centos or not for 7x. For me, the slightly greater ease of staying with 
SL for the migration; the minimalist elegance of the the SL website and support 
structure; and no experience at all with Centos outweighed any perceived 
benefits of switching.

Interestingly, CERN has rolled their own Centos anyway.

Not really:

- we added an additional repository to the installer
  (for site-specific tools)
- we changed repository definitions to point to
  our servers (and not centos mirrorlist)
- and we push updates in 'bunches' to these repos
  once per week (except for critical security ones)

other than the above it is just CentOS ..

Best Regards

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___________________ CERN - IT/CM/LCS _
_ http://cern.ch/~jpolok ________ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
______________________________________+41_75_411_9487 _

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