If you use CERN CentOS 7 - please contact us at linux.supp...@cern.ch in case you encounter problems, if you use CentOS 7 - please use centos
mailing lists...

Now CERN Linux el7 comes in and I see the machines installed as 7.1 stay there,
no automatic update to 7.2. Odd.

Then here, I see same with CentOS7 - no automatic updates by default, no 
updates to latest point release, 7.1 machines stay at 7.1. (I do not have any 
SL7 to compare)

So I am puzzled by all this. Maybe I should ask google: "is centos7 supposed to self 
update to latest point release?"

In both cases you should get automatic updates to latest release (while using default yum repository definitions), if this is not the case: please report the problem.

Then I takes quite a bit of work to get automatic updates to work at all on 
(CERN el7 seems to be okey):

a) The yum.cron package is crazy - each time I need to use yum, I have to wait
until it finishes some useless background tasks. Then "yum remove yum.cron" has
no effect because all the cron jobs are part of the main yum package. Go figure.

b) the CERN yum-autoupdate package, which we use for SL6 updates, depends
on a yum plugin not available anywhere (except from a CERN repo) and then 
does not work out of the box because of strange interaction with systemd - only 
works after a reboot.

bb) then it does not send any email about updates - the el6 yum-autoupdate did 
where did this function go?!?

again: if you encounter such problem(s) - please report.

(Hmm... maybe I should try these auto update scripts from the SL7 repository?)

So as they say, 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

... I think this discussion went totally off-topic for the SL mailing list ..

Best Regards


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