Really interesting !


August 23, 2005
10 Planets? Why Not 11?
PASADENA, Calif. - Between feedings and diaper changes of his newborn daughter, 
Michael E. Brown may yet find an 11th planet.

Once conducted almost exclusively on cold, lonely nights, observational 
astronomy these days is often done under bright California sunshine.

When he has a few spare minutes, Dr. Brown, a professor of planetary astronomy 
at the California Institute of Technology, downloads images taken during a 
previous night by a robotically driven telescope at Palomar Observatory 100 
miles away. Each night, the telescope scans a different swath of sky, 
photographing each patch three times, spaced an hour and a half apart. 

In any one of the photographs, a planet or some other icy body at the edge of 
the solar system looks just like a star. Unlike a star it moves between the 

Dr. Brown's computer programs flag potential discovery candidates for him to 
inspect. He quickly dismisses almost all of them - double images caused by a 
bumping of the telescope, blurriness from whirls in the atmosphere or random 

Sometimes, like last Jan. 5, he spots a moving dot. 

Dr. Brown had rewritten his software to look for slower-moving and more distant 

On that morning, he was sitting in his Caltech office - unremarkable university 
turf sparsely decorated with a not-full bottle of Jack Daniel's, a dragon 
mobile, a dinosaur toothbrush, a Mr. Potato Head and other toys and knickknacks 
that long predated parenthood - and re-examining images from nearly a year and 
a half earlier, Oct. 21, 2003.

The first several candidates offered by the computer were the usual garbled 

Then he saw it: a bright, unmistakably round dot moving across the star field.

He did a quick calculation. Even if this new object reflected 100 percent of 
the sunlight that hit it - and nothing is perfectly reflective - it would still 
be almost as large as Pluto. 

That meant, without any additional data, Dr. Brown knew he had discovered what 
could be the 10th planet.

He noted the time: 11:20 a.m. Dr. Brown knew that astrologers would ask because 
they had asked after earlier discoveries of smaller Kuiper Belt objects.

He thought about a bet he had made with a friend, for five bottles of 
Champagne, that he would discover something larger than Pluto by Jan. 1, 2005, 
five days earlier. He sent her an e-mail message asking for a five-day 

Dr. Brown seems destined for future astronomy textbooks, either as the 
discoverer of the first new planet in 75 years or as the man who pushed Pluto 
out of the planetary pantheon. Astronomers have long argued over whether Pluto 
should be a planet and speculated that ice balls larger than Pluto might be 
hiding in the Kuiper Belt, a ring of debris beyond the orbit of Neptune. 
Several objects approaching the size of Pluto have been discovered in recent 

Dr. Brown and two colleagues, David Rabinowitz of Yale and Chad Trujillo of the 
Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, are the first to point to something that is 
almost certainly larger than Pluto.

"If people want to get rid of Pluto, I'm more than happy to get rid of Pluto 
and say this one isn't a planet, either," Dr. Brown said.

"If culturally we would be willing to accept a scientific definition, that 
would be great," he continued. "The only thing that would make me unhappy is if 
Pluto remained a planet, and this one was not one."

So far, little is known about the new planet, which carries the temporary 
designation of 2003 UB313. It is currently nine billion miles from Sun, at the 
farthest point of its 560-year orbit. 

A couple of centuries from now, its elliptical trajectory will take it within 
3.3 billion miles of the Sun, closer than some of Pluto's orbit. And the orbit 
is surprisingly askew. 

While most of the solar system circles the Sun in a flat disc, the new planet's 
orbit is tilted about 45 degrees from the disc.

Planet finding was not a career goal for Dr. Brown. Until recently, he was 
among those who argued that nothing in the Kuiper Belt deserved to be called a 
planet, not even Pluto. 

Dr. Brown, 40, grew up in Alabama, a child of the 1970's, which left a mark in 
his speech patterns. For things he likes, he inevitably calls them "cool."

His father, an engineer at I.B.M., had moved to Huntsville to work on the giant 
Saturn rockets, which were being designed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight 
Center to carry astronauts to the Moon.

When he was finishing up his undergraduate degree in physics at Princeton, he 
thought he would pursue theoretical work in cosmology, devising ideas about how 
the universe came together.

Then James Peebles, a physics professor at Princeton, mentioned to him how 
astronomy needed more observers actually looking at the sky.

"That was it," Dr. Brown recalled. "As soon as he said it, I was like, O.K."

In graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley, he still planned 
to work on the far, far away - distant galaxies that blast out loud radio 
signals. His thesis adviser, Hyron Spinrad, made his graduate students also 
work on comets, because he was interested in them and could not get help 
otherwise. Dr. Brown was captivated as well. "I thought, This stuff is cool," 
he said.

That brought his interests inside the solar system. Later Dr. Brown came across 
a tiny, little-used 24-inch telescope at the Lick Observatory outside San Jose. 
"You find the telescope first and then find your thesis program," he said. 

His thesis topic turned out to be the volcanoes on Io, one of the moons of 
Jupiter, and how the gases from the volcanoes are swept up into Jupiter's 
magnetic fields, accelerated into orbit around Jupiter and then slammed back 
into Io at 125,000 miles per hour.

He entered the planet-searching business through a chance opportunity. When he 
arrived at Caltech a decade ago, the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar 
was just finishing up a large sky survey. While many astronomers clamor for use 
of Palomar's main 200-inch telescope, Dr. Brown realized he could easily get 
ample time on the smaller one.

So, just as he did at Lick, he looked for a project to fit the telescope.

The first Kuiper Belt object had been discovered a few years earlier, and Dr. 
Brown thought it would be useful to do a systematic sweep of the sky to look 
for them. In past centuries, the trick to discovering a planet was knowing 
exactly where to look. Now, computers and automated telescopes have allowed a 
new strategy: look everywhere. 

Dr. Brown has a love of code names, so he and his colleagues decided if they 
ever found something larger than Pluto, they would give it the code name Xena, 
after the television series starring Lucy Lawless as an ancient Greek warrior.

It was also partly a nod to Planet X, a long-hypothesized massive planet in the 
outer solar system.

In 2002, Dr. Brown and Dr. Trujillo turned up their first big find: a Kuiper 
Belt object about 775 miles wide, or about as large as Pluto's moon, Charon. 
They named it Quaoar, after a god in Native American mythology, and learned 
their first lesson in astronomical discovery: find a pronounceable name. 
(Quaoar is pronounced KWAH-o-wahr.)

A year later, Dr. Brown, Dr. Trujillo and Dr. Rabinowitz of Yale found 
something stranger, an object larger than Quaoar and much father out, eight 
billion miles. And stranger yet, its 11,000-year orbit carries it out as far as 
84 billion miles, far beyond anything else known in the solar system.

Initially, they excitedly thought it might be larger than Pluto and called it 
Xena for a few days. But further measurements and calculations indicated it was 
probably, at most, three-quarters the diameter of Pluto. When they announced 
the discovery last year, they gave it the name of Sedna, after an Inuit goddess.

The name was easily pronounceable, but it peeved some astronomers, especially 
amateur asteroid searchers, who felt Dr. Brown had again flouted the 
International Astronomical Union's naming rules. The rules prohibit discoverers 
from publicly announcing any name, even a tentative one, before the union 
approves it, a process that takes months to years. The critics wanted the union 
to rebuke Dr. Brown and reject the name.

One amateur astronomer, Reiner M. Stoss, even proposed Sedna as a name for a 
small, earlier discovered asteroid, to thwart Dr. Brown.

Dr. Brown admitted, "I consciously broke the rules," but he felt that the 
preliminary designation, 2003 VB12, was too obscure and confusing for a 
noteworthy addition to the solar system. "I thought, This is stupid," he said. 
"This object needs to have a name before it goes public."

After Sedna, the astronomers also realized that there could be more discoveries 
lurking in their photographs.

Dr. Brown finds that betting is an effective way to spur scientific progress. 
He would have found the planet sooner or later, but late last year he realized 
that his best hope for winning the Champagne bet was to sift through thousands 
of candidates in the old images.

On Dec. 20, going through the images from the previous May, he discovered a new 
bright Kuiper Belt object.

It was big, but not big enough. He gave that one the code name of Santa.

When he later discovered a moon around Santa, he gave the moon the code name 
Rudolph. (When he discovered yet another Kuiper Belt object in April, he 
continued in the holiday vein and code named that one Easter Bunny. He even had 
a code name for his daughter before she was born and he and his wife had not 
yet settled on a name. The whiteboard in his office had a list of tasks labeled 
"TDBP" - To Do Before Petunia.)

He spent Christmas through New Year's examining old images.

Nothing turned up.

Then on Jan. 5 - not Jan. 8 as he had said at his news conference - he finally 
found one he could call Xena. "What if it's the size of Mercury?" he mused in 
his notes.

This time, Dr. Brown decided to play by the International Astronomical Union's 
rules and did not announce his real intended name for 2003 UB313, leading to 
rumors that he had officially proposed Xena.

Meanwhile, Dr. Brown, on family leave until the end of year, found a new set of 
data to work with: his daughter Lilah's sleeping and eating patterns.

In the hospital, he and his wife had, like many new parents, written down a 
record of feeding and sleeping times.

Dr. Brown wrote a computer program to generate colorful charts from the 
information and put them online at lilahbrown.com. 

"Who wouldn't be fascinated?" Dr. Brown asked. "Well, I guess, most people."

Black bars indicate the times that his wife, Diane Binney, is breast-feeding 
Lilah. Blue bars indicate when Dr. Brown is feeding a bottle to her. Green bars 
indicate the hours Lilah is awake and content; red bars indicate the fussy 

Dr. Brown said he hoped to find a pattern in Lilah's sleep cycle - she has been 
waking up, on average, every 2.5 hours. If one nap lasted only 1.5 hours, would 
that mean the next nap would last 3.5 hours, giving her parents a chance to 

A chart with cloudlike splatter of data points gave the unfortunate answer. 
"There is absolutely no correlation," Dr. Brown said.

  a.. Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company 

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