
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reece
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 3:51 AM
Subject: [10-7] The Best and Worst Exercises for Your Abs

The Best and Worst Exercises for Your Abs
by www.SixWise. <http://www.sixwise.com/> com

The abdominals are one of the most loathed, yet most coveted, set of muscles
that Americans want to define, but often don't know how. To be fair, it
really isn't possible to "spot treat" your body and get rock-hard abs simply
by doing some crunches. You must concentrate on a healthy diet and aerobic
exercise first, to reduce fat and shape up your body overall, so that the
work you do to tone your tummy can be seen.

 trim abs <http://www.sixwise.com/images/articles/2007/03/07/30451672.jpg> 

Trimming your abs takes more than just crunches ... you also must have a
healthy diet and a complete exercise routine.

However, assuming you're ready to get down to business and trim
o_strengthen_your_abdominals_and_5_exercises_to_do_it_properly.htm> up your
stomach just in time for swimsuit season, there are certain exercises that
are much more effective than others (with the research to prove it).

Toning Your Tummy: The Best and the Worst Techniques

A study by researchers at San Diego State University, sponsored by the
American Council on Exercise (ACE), tested 13 common abdominal exercises for
muscle stimulation in the front and side abdominal muscles (the rectus
abdominus and the obliques, respectively).

The exercises, some of which involved equipment (such as the "Ab Rocker"),
were performed by 30 people aged 20 to 45, who exercised either daily or
occasionally. Meanwhile, the activity of their muscles was monitored during
the exercises using electromyography equipment.

The researchers concluded that exercises that "require constant abdominal
stabilization, as well as body rotation, generated the most muscle activity
in the obliques," and were, therefore, the most effective.

Meanwhile, they concluded that it's not necessary to purchase a piece of
equipment to give your abs a good workout. (The only exception being if the
equipment inspires you to routinely workout your abs and stick with the

The Worst Exercises

Nearing the bottom of the list when it comes to ab exercises you're better
of forgetting was the ever-popular crunch or sit-up.

"The problem with the sit-up is that it is ineffective," Peter Francis,
Ph.D., the study's lead researcher, said. 

It's ineffective because rather than relying on the abdominal muscles to sit
up, most people use their hips. Meanwhile, sit-ups are notorious for
straining the back, Francis says. 

Other exercises that made the bottom of the list were:

The Torso Track: Though it was "marginally more effective" than a
traditional crunch, a significant number of people experienced lower-back
pain as a result. 

The Ab Roller: This was no more effective than a traditional crunch.

The Ab Rocker: This was found to be up to 80 percent less effective than a
traditional crunch.

"You don't have to spend $150 on a piece of exercise equipment to strengthen
your abs," says Francis.

The Best Exercises for Your Abs

Following are the most effective abdominal exercises found by the study. To
get the best results, Francis recommends alternating between several of the
top exercises and doing a five-minute session each day.

1. The Bicycle

Lying flat on your back, raise your knees to a 45-degree angle. Move your
legs in a bicycle-pedaling motion, while touching your left elbow to your
right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee.

          stomach ab exercises: The Bicycle
Source: American Council on Exercise (ACE)

2. The Captain's Chair

(This uses a piece of gym equipment.) Grip the handholds of the equipment
lightly and keep your lower back pressed against the back pad. Allow your
legs to dangle below, then slowly lift your knees toward your chest in a
controlled motion. Slowly return your knees to the starting position.

          stomach ab exercises: The Captain's Chair
Source: American Council on Exercise (ACE)

3. Crunch on Exercise Ball

Lie with your back on the exercise ball so that your thighs and torso are
parallel to the floor. With your hands behind your head, or crossed over
your chest, tuck your chin in toward your chest and contract your
abdominals. Your torso should raise no more than 45 degrees from the ball.
To vary difficulty, move your feet wider apart or closer together.

          stomach ab exercises: Crunch on Exercise Ball
Source: American Council on Exercise (ACE)

4. Vertical Leg Crunch

These crunches (along with the reverse crunch below) put less stress on the
back than typical crunches. Lying flat with your back on the floor and your
hands behind your head, extend your legs straight up, crossed at the ankle
with a slight bend in the knees. Lift your torso toward your knees,
contracting your abdominal muscles and keeping your chin off your chest.

          stomach ab exercises: vertical leg crunch
Source: American Council on Exercise (ACE)

5. Reverse Crunch

Lying flat on the floor with your back on the ground, put your hands beside
your head or extend them flat by your sides. Cross your feet at the ankles
and lift your knees to a 90-degree angle. Press your lower back to the floor
and contract your abs so your hips rotate and your legs reach toward the

          stomach ab exercises: reverse crunch


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