
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reece
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 3:54 AM
Subject: [10-7] The Amazing Power of Empathy in Improving Your Life and

The Amazing Power of Empathy in
Improving Your Life and Theirs
by www.SixWise. <http://www.sixwise.com/> com

Empathy is the ability to put yourself into someone else's shoes -- to
understand them, to feel their pain, to take on their concerns, worries and
regrets, as well as their joys, their elations and their excitement. As
basic and elemental as this may sound, it's not an easy thing to do. But it
is beneficial.

 empathetic personalities

People with empathetic personalities are more likely to have satisfying
long-term relationships.

Empathy is a key emotion sought after in leaders, in upper management, in
spouses, in students, in children and in friends. It's been scientifically
proven to promote "prosocial" behaviors (acts that help others, especially
altruistic ones), contribute to "emotional intelligence," and educators are
even pushing to instill it in grade school students. Why? Because empathy
makes the world a better place, for you and for those around you.

Empathetic People are Good Thinkers

Studies have found that showing care and compassion for others fosters both
creative and critical thinking. In fact, schools where students have
participated in programs designed to encourage empathy tend to have higher
scores on higher-order
t_reading_people.htm> reading comprehension than schools that don't.
Meanwhile, students that score well on measures of empathetic understanding
are also more likely to have high grade-point averages.

According to Delores Gallo, a researcher who has studied the topic, "The
attributes which characterize empathy correlate with those of effective
critical thinking and imagination."

One such attribute, role-taking, is even known to promote open-mindedness,
discourage hasty examination of problems, encourage personal flexibility,
and foster insight into different perspectives and problem-solving skills.

To be a Great Leader, You Must be Empathetic 

Ever since psychologist Daniel Goleman, Ph.D coined the term "emotional
intelligence" (EI) it has been taking the business world by storm. A key
aspect of EI is, you guessed it, empathy, and anyone who's ever had a boss
knows how important it is to feel understood by him or her.

 empathetic child

Students who are empathetic are more likely to have higher grade-point

Not surprisingly, studies have found that corporations that have programs in
EI training experience improvements in productivity and profits. And,
according to executive coaching firm Leadership Advantage, "Up to 90 percent
of the difference between outstanding and average leaders is linked to
emotional intelligence." Further:

Emotional intelligence is twice as important as IQ and technical expertise
combined in terms of effective leading

EI is four times as important when it comes to overall success

While the "emotional" side of things is usually not brought up in business
settings, being able to understand others' emotions is essential in a good
leader. Those without this empathetic ability risk losing their jobs,
according to research by the Center for Creative Leadership.

They've found that the top causes of demotion in executives involve a lack
of emotional competence, including poor interpersonal relations and not
being able to work well as a team.

People with Empathy are More Likely to Forgive and Have Satisfying

The benefits of empathy do not end with leadership. People who are able to
feel empathy for someone are also more likely to forgive them, and
ere_is_no_greater_nourishment_than_forgiveness.htm> is a key to leading a
healthy and happy life from both physical and emotional perspectives. 

Meanwhile, perhaps because of the tendency to forgive, studies have found
that people who have empathetic personalities are more likely to report
being satisfied in their long-term relationships. These people are also
better able to show compassion and to see things from their partner's

Not Empathetic? Want to Be? Here's How

If you find you are not naturally inclined to be empathetic, there's good
news. Empathy is a quality that can be learned and, with a little
persistence, even mastered. Following are some top tips to help you show
more empathy:

Listen to others when they talk to you.

Imagine how you would feel if put into someone else's situation. 

Use the Golden Rule: Treat others how you would want to be treated.

Help someone out with a task before they ask you to (this means you have to
sense what they need help with).

Try to be understanding of other people's moods, opinions and beliefs.

Show compassion to others -- even strangers -- as much as possible.


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