(standing ovation)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So, the Prez is an iron man with a heart of gold, eh?  
Huh, I bet you won't hear Cheney saying that!

Ptooey!! I cry too, Mr. Prez: I cry everytime I realize I have to suffer your 
botched leadership for another year. Just realizing that you come from my home 
state makes the tears run like I was cutting up onions. The truth that so many 
Americans bought your line of bull about being a good Christian makes me wanna 
sob.  The lies and manipulations you told to put us at "war" with Iraq--and 
knowing so many Americans fell for that bull too--wrack me with grief.  Knowing 
we'll be stuck fixing the mess you made in Iraq for at least a generation 
brings the water like a faucet. Watching your henchmen and sycophants make gay 
marriage and immigration more important than poverty, health care, and 
education makes me wail in despair.  Seeing the devastated wasteland that was 
New Orleans, and remembering how you flew *over* that city without stopping, 
makes me wanna scream with sorrow. 

"I've got God's shoulder to cry on"--yeah, I feel you Mr. Bush, 'cause I'm 
being moved to tears right now, but I can't take my frustrations out by bombing 


Bush tells biographer: 'I do tears' 
By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press WriterTue Sep 4, 6:45 PM ET 
Under that famously self-confident exterior is a president who weeps — a lot.
President Bush told the author of a new book on his presidency that "I try not 
to wear my worries on my sleeve" or show anything less than steadfastness in 
public, especially in a time of war.
"I fully understand that the enemy watches me, the Iraqis are watching me, the 
troops watch me, and the people watch me," he said. Yet, he said, "I do tears."
"I've got God's shoulder to cry on. And I cry a lot. I do a lot of crying in 
this job. I'll bet I've shed more tears than you can count, as president. I'll 
shed some tomorrow."
Bush granted journalist Robert Draper several extended interviews in late 2006 
and early 2007, as well as unusual access to his aides, for the book "Dead 
Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush," which went on sale Tuesday.
Draper's account of the bulk of Bush's presidency sheds light on a loyal and 
secretive inner circle that, at least privately, was not always on the same 
page. Draper tells of an April 2006 dinner at which Bush asked aides for a show 
of hands on whether his divisive defense secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, should 
be fired.
The vote: 7-4 to get rid of him, with Bush siding with those who wanted him 
kept on for the time being. Rumsfeld was replaced after the elections that fall 
switched control of the House and Senate to Democrats.
White House aides who wanted Rumsfeld out were privately dismayed when retired 
generals called publicly for his ouster, fearing that would steel Bush's 
resolve to keep his defense chief, the book says.
Bush, without addressing that meeting, suggested to the author that the 
ex-generals did get under his skin.
"My reaction was, 'No military guy is gonna tell a civilian how to react,'" he 
Also in the book, Bush:
• Acknowledged that sectarian violence after the U.S. toppled Saddam Hussein 
was "something we didn't spend a lot of time planning for. We planned for what 
happens if Saddam and his people dug into Baghdad," and we figured the Iraqi 
leader was fomenting ethnic divisions that would ease when he was gone. The 
opposite happened.
• Said he wants to make money — "replenishing the ol' coffers" — after his 
presidency. He said he could make "ridiculous" money on the lecture circuit, 
citing the experience of his predecessor, Bill Clinton, as well as his own 
• Recalled his drinking days and how faith gave him the discipline to stop.
"I wouldn't be president if I kept drinking. You get sloppy, can't make 
decisions, it clouds your reason, absolutely. I still remember the feeling of a 
hangover, even though I haven't had a drink in twenty years." He said he ate 
chocolate in the evenings after he swore off booze, because his body missed the 
• Told of a false alarm the night of Sept. 11, 2001, when he and his wife, 
Laura, were in bed in the White House after the day's traumatic events and a 
Secret Service agent came to the bedroom and told them to get to the bunker. 
"They're coming," the agent said. "We're under attack." The couple hurried to 
the bunker, the president carrying a dog under one arm and a cat under the 
other, with his wife slipping on a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers, feeling blind 
without her contact lenses. The source of the alarm — a plane in closed 
airspace over the Potomac River — turned out to be an authorized flight.
Draper, a national correspondent for GQ magazine, is a former editor at Texas 
Monthly, where he profiled Bush when he was Texas governor.

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