If you have liberal leanings, why are you rallying behind ANYone? The person
to rally behind is yourself. We need to stop needing a celebrity to validate
our ideas. 

About 3 weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh was interviewed about his recent rehab
stint. It was an interesting interview, but the end was the best  part,
where  he basically says the radio  show is ³a performance².  A lot of us
take what  Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter,  and Rush  say to  heart,  when really,
they¹re just  doing what  Howard Stern does. Sean Hannity cannot believe 99%
of what he says,  but if he spoke  common sense,  he¹d be making  what,
$35,000 a year  on some random AM station? But  we, as the listening/viewing
public, DO believe him and operate day to  day like what these people say
matter.  The argument  is ³well they¹re speaking to  millions of people.
What  they  say matters.² By this logic,  J. Anthony  Brown should be
considered one of the most  dangerous people in America. The Tom Joyner
Morning show reaches like 8 million people a DAY. But it¹s an act. A gag.
Something  to  fill space between ads. That¹s all ANY of these people are,
and I am so  tired of the books, the interviews, the sound bytes, the
websites, the TV shows, the radio shows...after  7  years and all the
analysis, the best and most  relevant commentary  about  how  paranoid and
terror driven our society has become is STILL the movie ³Brazil². Does that
mean we rally behind Terry Gilliam? No. It means there are a lot of people
out to make a buck or 900 thousand. The song never changes.

This is why, personally, I consume more science fiction media than anything
else. As I¹ll get to  in another post later, I also  watch  a lot more old
movies. Because some of the best  social commentary is found there, and
attached to  really wonderful ideas! Gene Roddenberry once quoted Ray
Bradbury as saying: ³Science Fiction may be one of the last places in our
society where the philosopher can roam as freely as he chooses².

As for the question of the third party, the fact that people still subscribe
to the two party illusion is an even BIGGER problem. There are two parties
alright, cash rich and credit rich. Old money and new money. I will never
forget in 2004 how ³liberal²  cats were out here begging  Ralph Nader not to
run because we ³couldn¹t afford him².  What  the hell kind of democratic
process gets thrown off by MORE CHOICES? This ³I don¹t wanna hear anything a
Jets fan has to  say because I am a Giants fan til I die² trip  we¹re on is
ridiculous. Both teams play on the same field! So it is with this
democrat/republican nonsense. Laugh all ya want  about Rudy or the Law &
Order guy --  but last time the Democrats trotted out John Kerry.  If Al
Gore today announced that he was running for President  --  as a Republican
--  democrats and liberal  types would shut  him down. Conservative types
would treat him like Peyton Manning  coming to the Dolphins. The system does
not work.  There¹s no changing  it from within. We need more common sense.

On 10/21/07 9:36 PM, "Gerald Haynes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, who can a person with liberal leanings rally behind? Politicians
> (Democratic party mostly) mire in double speak to appeal to the masses. There
> aren't a lot of options. Talk radio (with the exception of Air America) is
> right wing. In spite of how much the right wing claims it to be, television
> news has been and is beginning to lean even more to the right with Glenn Beck,
> Fox News, etc. The right wing machine drummed Dan Rather out in disgrace
> because the documents he used weren't the originals NOT because they weren't
> true. It's to the point where left leaning folks have to look HARD for
> unbiased journalism, so it seems appropriate that they flock to anyone in the
> news and entertainment media that share their own opinions. Maybe that's the
> problem of which you speak.
> I've often said that America NEEDS a third party. A party of the middle class.
> Maybe if we ever take the money out of politics through public financing, it
> would be possible.
> Gerald Haynes 
> Quotes to live by:
> "Time, Money, and Quality, you may have only two."
> "Never enough time to do it right. Always enough time to do it over."
> "Continuous improvement is always better than delayed perfection."
> My comics, music & thoughts:
> http://www.undergroundartistry.com
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:yokozuna%40globalsoulmedia.com> >
> To: SciFi Noir <scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com> >
> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 6:13:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Bill Maher Kicks Butt
> Honestly, it did ruin the show.
> While it's true that "Real Time" and "The Daily Show" aren't public forums
> for the audience's agenda, when you run a show that is live with no
> commercials and you lean on the audience for laughs, you set the illusion
> that the show is run by the audience. This doesn't happen on the Daily
> Show. I've attended some tapings of that show, and you're not sneaking in
> with huge signs. How this happened at CBS Studios is beyond me. It's a
> potentially dangerous situation, and in my opinion, Bill handled this
> horribly.  
> It  is a symptom of a larger problem.
> Bill Maher is a comedian. Jon Stewart is a comedian. Stephen Colbert and
> Whoopi Goldberg are comedians. Rallying behind comedians who have large
> audiences because they  are saying  things that sound like common sense is
> no more logical  than the folks who swear  by something  because it  was on
> Fox. Corporate people-herding is how we got into this problem (and by
> problem,  I mean the stripping of personal freedoms). Forming a new clique
> and not questioning the would-be leadership of the new clique is silly.
> Bill Maher is not a leader. He is a guy with a show.
> On 10/21/07 4:54 PM, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com> wrote:
>> > I watched, what is not on the clip, is that it went on for 10 or more
>> > minutes.  After they kicked out one, another would start up.  Things
>> > would appear to settle down and than another heckler would appear to
>> > start up independently.  I think there ended up being like seven of
>> > them.    It was funny at first, but after a few minutes it kind of got
>> > surreal  - at least for me and sad with Maher talking about kicking butt
>> > and shutting them up almost the whole time.   It almost ruined the show,
>> >   Finally, he told the home viewing audience that they were 9-11
>> > conspiracy people.  He believes that Bush and company were neither
>> > complicit nor conspirators in 911 and that anyone who believes that it
>> > was not just the "Arab Muslims "hating us for our freedom" are just
>> > lunatics and nuts.  You could never hear what they were saying  so other
>> > than looking like idiots, I can't figure out what the were hoping to
>> > accomplish.
>> > 
>> > I believe that the administration that said they "needed a pearl harbor
>> > like event" to push through their agenda were at least opportunistic.
>> > However, those hecklers simply reinforced the perception that anyone who
>> > has questions about 911 is a nut.  I hope they do not continue.  Even
>> > though Maher refuses to have any discussion on the subject on his show,
>> > what the hecklers did is no solution.  I hope they realize this and seek
>> > out another solution to getting their message heard.
>> > 
>> > Reece Jennings wrote:
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> A-HO!
>>> >> 
>>> >> Peep what Bill Maher does w/ hecklers in the audience during a live
>>> taping
>>> >> on Friday night. It's HILARIOUS.
>>> >> 
>>> >> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=B-f_YYEw- QI
>>> >> <http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=B-f_YYEw- QI>
>>> >> 
>>> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>> >> 
>>> >>  
>> > 
>> > 
>> >  
>> > Yahoo! Groups Links
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
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