I have not read the books but I have been watching the show from the beginning.

I don't perceive any racism.

Could it be that TPTB can't handle a show where the 4 main leads are ALL 


Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               I¹ve been 
hearing a little bit of talk about this show, most of it negative,
 all of it based on race of the characters.
 The show is based on a series of James Patterson novels. So are the Alex
 Cross books. Alex Cross is portrayed by Morgan Freeman in the movies. Boris
 Kodjoe is not listed or attached to this project at all. However, Tyrees
 Allen and Paula Newsome are on the show. Is it that James Patterson is
 supposed to be racist, or is it ABC, or what?
 What is the deal with this show? Has anybody  even seen it?
 On 10/28/07 2:36 PM, "jagrslc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > SOrry about that -- the email just WENT!
 > So...
 > What are the odds of Boris O. Kodjoe [
 > http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/rosietulips/Men/110302002-boris_kodjoe
 > .jpg
 > ] becoming the love interest to Angie Harmon?
 > Methinks a snow hath a better chance in hell!
 > RS=D
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