Sammy Sosa escapes Mitchell Report

Ryan Jaster @ 1:43 p.m.

For a guy whose name is always listed among the suspected steroid abusers,
former Cubs slugger Sammy Sosa
<>  has never been
directly linked to a scandal. No failed tests. No BALCO. No shady clinics in
Florida. No checks to clubhouse attendants moonlighting as drug dealers. No
paper trail whatsoever.

Even Jose Canseco had nothing but speculation on Sosa in "Juiced."

And now you can add "No Mitchell Report" to that list.

Sure, his name is in there. Once. On the 133rd page of the 409-page pdf
document on our site
.acrobat> . And it's only in a reference that he was among several players
whose lawyers received questionnaires that were not returned. As is almost
always the case with many of the allegations, the names of Mark McGwire,
Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro and Gary Sheffield were listed alongside

But they've all been linked directly to steroids in one way or another. Sosa

You can call Sosa a cheater. He is. He used a corked bat. You can keep him
out of the Hall of Fame for that if you so choose, but not for steroids.

Sosa just hit 21 home runs for the Texas Rangers on top of 92 RBIs in what
eventually became a part-time role in an allegedly "steroid-clear" era. A
far cry from his three seasons of 60-plus in four years, no doubt. But he's
also 38. In those seasons he was in his peak years between age 29 and 32.
His 609 homers puts him in a club with only Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth and Willie
Mays. And of course Bonds*. A Hall of Fame number for anyone not of this
era. Yet it still sounds like he might get the
<> McGwire

You can criticize Sosa's performance in front of Congress if you like. But I
have never understood why he took heat for speaking his native language. If
I had to talk to a foreign government I'd certainly speak English, no matter
how many years of Spanish classes I might have taken.

It's time to take Sosa out of the shadow of steroids suspicion.

And anyone who thinks otherwise needs to do some investigating and deliver
the proof.


Here's the full excerpt referencing Sosa from the Mitchell Report:

"During the course of this investigation, we interviewed a number of
coaches, club personnel, former teammates, and other persons who know
McGwire. Only Canseco, who repeated the allegations from his memoir, said he
had knowledge of McGwire's alleged use of steroids. Through his personal
lawyer, I asked McGwire to meet with me for an interview about these issues,
but he declined to do so. I then sent his lawyer a list of specific
questions about whether McGwire had ever used steroids or other performance
enhancing substances without a prescription during his major league career,
in the hope that McGwire would be willing to provide a response outside of
the context of an interview. Neither McGwire nor his lawyer responded to
that letter. (I sent similar letters with specific questions to lawyers for
Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro, Sammy Sosa, and Gary Sheffield, none of whom
provided answers to my questions either.)" 

 Maurice Jennings
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From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Liggins Bill
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Baseball's Steroid Rage

No mention of Sammy Sosa, the only player to have two
60 homerun seasons? Strange, considering they were, at
one time, on him like Barry Bonds. 

--- Reece Jennings <mcjennings124@ <>> wrote:

> The Report:
> http://sports. <>
> Some Photos:
> http://photos. <>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

Bill Liggins

Author of "WARNING," a Sci-Fi Novel


bill_liggins@ <>

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