I'll buy it, Tracey. Might be the only way to prevent the presidency from being 
bought. But that then brings up the problem of interest conflict. If that 
independently wealthy candidate has to make a decision that may cost him big 
bucks personally, can he be counted on to make a decision that is in the 
nation's best interests, or his own?

"Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I 
guess by now, you guys are getting used to my theories. So, here is 
my theory on the idea of changing from a two party system. Even if 
you don't believe that the Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, 
and the Trilateral Commission, or even Skull and Bones run things, Most 
of you know that the people currently running the politically machinery 
of the national, state and local levels do run things. They have alot 
invested in this process. They have gained much in this process. Why 
would they relinquish this position? That fact, the fact that the 
mainstream media is controlling the message and that we as Americans are 
complacent and/or afflicted with a Bambi in headlights syndrome, and 
that there may be people in power pulling strings, and it would not be 
that easy if even it is even possible.

I think there is one way to break up this lock on politics. 
unfortunately would have to be a fluke. Two likable, known, 
independently wealthy independent candidates have to through their hats 
in the ring. One must be a little left leaning and the other a little 
right leaning. either can be ideologs. That way, both the democratic 
and republican tickets would be split so the other would not loose by 
default. Unfortunately, I still think they would be vetted by the 
powers that be and their still would be back room deals. It could be a 
launching pad for breaking of the two party lock on our election process 
or the parties might simply go back to the same place eight years later. 
Again, I have proposed a cynical theory

> Hillary wins, Obama second, Edwards a solid (and sadly, consistent) third. 
> McCain wins, flip-flop Romney second, Huckabee, Guliani, Ron Paul small but 
> significant percentages. What will happen? Down the line Hillary and Obama 
> will have to court Edwards, same for the Republicans (can't say who must 
> court whom there, 'cause not sure who'll be stuck in third and fourth on that 
> side). Heck, it might be possible that we actually go all the win to the 
> conventions before a clear winner is chosen! Backroom deals, party favors 
> traded--what a trip!
> The thing that saddens me is that despite all of the above, America has 
> become a two-party system. True independents, populist movements, little 
> known but important issues--all get ignored in the wake of the two behemoths 
> that crush or absorb the smaller town criers. The voices of the Kucinich's, 
> Edwards and even fringe guys like Paul get silenced, or at best, made 
> promises of inclusion, then get used, absorbed and forgotten. Or, perhaps 
> they get a seat at the table by selling their souls. 
> True change doesn't come often when you force all issues into two badly 
> fitting paths of Democrats and Republicans, whose labels are inconsistent and 
> inaccurate. The two-party system allows the status quo to continue. But if we 
> Americans could force a multi-party system, if we could craft a country where 
> party was less important than principle, where true coalitions could be 
> built, maybe things would be different? How cool would it be if Congress had 
> 17% people from the Progressive party of John Edwards, 10% from the Take Back 
> America party of Ron Paul, 11% from the Real Patriot party of Kucinich? What 
> if an independent or third party candidate could actually win without having 
> to declare for the Elephants or the Donkeys? What if here in Georgia and 
> other states, we didn't get forced to declare for only one party in the 
> primaries? It seems to me that this two-party system, this lack of coalition 
> building, is hurting us. The process is strange, skewed, inaccurate and broken
> .
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