James thanks for this lesson on Libertarians.  When I lived in Philly, I 
never encountered the Ron Paul type of libertarian-- in fact, I found I 
liked most that I encountered.  So, finding out that there were legions 
like Ron Paul was a shock.

> Good questions Keith.
> Part of it may be where you live and a large part of it is our lazy
> American media.  Paleos and Neos tend to live in southern states and are
> often former Republicans.  Problem is - few really completely leave the
> GOP.  They are LINO's (Libertarians in Name Only) and they are a very loud
> bunch of know-it-alls who trash liberals nonstop but make excuses for
> conservatives without end.  Trouble is, when pushed to define the
> underlying concept of libertarianism - they can't or won't.  When asked to
> help fight things like the PATRIOT Act, domestic surveillance,
> imperialism, electoral fraud, etc. they are completely AWOL.
> Another part of the problem is our useless, lazy Mainstream Media that
> compartmentalizes and oversimplifies everything.  Political terminiologies
> have lost most of their meaning in recent years due to such laziness. 
> Every Democrat is a liberal and every Republican a conservative and all
> libertarians are wingnuts.
> Case in point:  Dennis Miller, Larry Elder and Neil Boortz.  Neither of
> whom are genuine libertarians - especially Boortz and Miller who turned
> into raging neo-conservatives on September 11, 2001.  All three are
> conservatives with SOME extremely limited libertarian leanings.  Of
> course, that doesn't stop our lazy MSM from constantly labeling them as
> such.
> Hell, this is the same MSM that refers to Shakira as the "latin Madonna." 
> The MSM that ignored the piles and piles and piles of evidence that
> pointed out Colin Powell's lies in front of Congress and the U.N. during
> the buildup to the Iraq war.  The same MSM that thinks only young, white
> (sometimes pregnant) women going missing in this country.
> The MSM barely acknowledges differences within the Democratic and
> Republican Parties either.
> When is the last time you heard a Democrat referred to as a Yellow Dog,
> Blue Dog or Progressive - other than on the ridiculous Sunday morning talk
> shows?  All Democrats are liberals on TV and in general print media.  Is
> Joseph Lieberman really a liberal?  What about Ben Nelson?
> How much TV time do moderates like Chuck Hagel and Olympia Snowe get
> compared to Trent Lott and Mitch McConnell?  In the eyes of the MSM all
> Republicans are conservatives who support Bush and love the wars in Iraq
> and Afghanistan - which MSM hype helped create and prolong.
> Sorry, I went off in left field for a while.  Did I even come close to
> answering your questions?
> __________________________________________________________________
> James Landrith
> cell: 703-593-2065 * fax: 760-875-8547
> AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
> MSN and Yahoo! Messenger: jlandrith
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/jlandrith
> http://www.jameslandrith.com
> http://www.multiracial.com
> http://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/
> __________________________________________________________________
>> good points, James. And thanks for keeping me honest and accurate. I
>> should have more specifically specified that it's one type of Libertarian
>> that bothers me, which is what I meant by the ones I've encountered here
>> in Georgia.
>>  Still, to be frank, despite my knowing that there are more liberal
>> Libertarians--just like there are in many other groups--my exposure has
>> been more to the Ron Paul type, both in person, and in those Libertarians
>> I've heard on TV and the radio.
>> Why do you think it is I hear so few with attitudes like you? Is it where
>> I live?
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