That is why i am pressuring him to set up a blog.  Keith?  I will help you

Bosco Bosco wrote:
> Damn Keith. You're a hell of a good writer. I love your insights and
> the skill with which you present them. Have you ever considered
> pursuing it further? If so, have you written anything I could see?
> Bravo!!!
> Bosco
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> well, that's the balancing act of being a leader of any kind:
>> weighing what you think is right versus what those you serve think.
>>  Always keep only your own counsel, and you're an autocrat, harmful
>> to the people. Do whatever is popular, and you're a weakling, not
>> helping the people to see what's best for them in times when they
>> don't know it themselves. 
>> Maybe I'm a cynic, maybe I distrust authority. But I always think
>> of those times in history when the majority (or the most vocal and
>> influential minority) of the population wanted something that
>> wasn't right or moral, or simply efficacious in the long run: when
>> whites wanted slavery, then later, Jim Crow. When men didn't want
>> women to vote. When Germans actively wanted--or passively agreed
>> with--the subjugation of the Jews. When white South Africans wanted
>> their colored countrymen to remain as second class citizens. A
>> century from now, perhaps some will look back on a society that
>> taxed gays but refused to let them serve in the military equally,
>> or enjoy the same domestic rights as the rest of us, and say "If
>> only there had been a leader who'd done what was right instead of
>> what was popular".  After 9-11, this country wanted blood--anyone's
>> blood. I always liken America's mood then to that of a crazed dog
>> that snaps at and attacks whomever happens to be near. Bush and his
>> gang poin
>> ted us in that direction, then said "This is what they want". And
>> all of our leaders--almost every dang one of them with a few
>> notable exceptions--went along with that fevered fervor, afraid to
>> buck the will of the people. Well, that's why I have a leader: to
>> see things more clearly in times when perhaps I can't, to make
>> decisions based on more information and considered thought than I
>> have.  
>> If I'm going to have someone lead me, it's because he or she has
>> the capacity sometimes to make me better, to see the bigger picture
>> in ways I can't always do. That requires someone with certain
>> convictions and basic principles that will guide him or her, that
>> won't change with the times or the whim of the public.  A leader
>> should be a rudder for a ship in a storm (lots of metaphors I
>> know!) that can guide us in the right direction. Yes, sometimes
>> sticking to a set of beliefs stubbornly can be wrong. Bush is proof
>> of that in the way he's singlemindedly pursued a disastrous foreign
>> policy.  But you know, at least I know where Bush stands, and
>> that's a good thing because i can then decide that he's not right
>> for the job and get him out. I know who and what he is, and I've
>> decided he's not right for me. There's a certain honesty and
>> courage in his stance, that allows me to see him for what he is and
>> then--fire him. And that's the point: a leader leads by trying to
>> get us to go in cert
>> ain ways, based on what we want and what he or she thinks is best
>> for us. If those two views differ greatly, then perhaps that leader
>> will be sent packing. Look at how McCain is hated for
>> ultra-conservatives because he wants a more reasoned approach to
>> illegal immigration, and the Bush tax cuts.  But despite what it's
>> costing him, he still holds to those views. yet at the same time,
>> he's trying to modify them somewhat to go along with the people. A
>> balancing act.
>> But with someone like Romney, who keeps changing to meet the mood
>> of the day, how can we ever know whether he's ultimately good or
>> bad for us? How will I know that in that one moment when I am
>> wrong, and I need him to be right, he won't do the popular thing
>> instead of the right thing?
>> A
>> -------------- Original message -------------- 
>> From: "maidmarian_thepoet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> I may be stepping into it...but what exactly is wrong with a public
>> official supporting the wishes of his constituents? I wish that my
>> officials here really supported my beliefs instead of catering to
>> the
>> religious right. Of course, you can say that they are supporting
>> them---but that's my point. Wasn't he being a true representative
>> of
>> Mass. voters at that time? Now he is claiming that he could be a
>> true
>> representative of conservative voters. Isn't that his job?
>> I am still recalling listening to a "This American Life" episode in
>> which a guy who was pro-choice supported Bush because he didn't
>> flip-flop on issues. He admitted that he didn't like any of Bush's
>> stances on issuses, but he voted for him because he didn't
>> flip-flop. 
>> Why on earth should I vote for someone who won't vote my way? He's
>> my
>> representative, not a representative of his own convictions. If he
>> can
>> change my mind because he believes me wrong, that's one thing. But
>> he
>> shouldn't be voting his convictions whilly-nilly.
>> Ok, I will get off my soapbox now. :-)
>> --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Like i said, an opportunistic flip-flopper. He was pro-choice,
>> pro
>> immigration (in terms of working something out instead of sounding
>> like
>> a Klansman), not averse to taxes as needed (which he calls "fees",
>> but
>> same difference). I heard a speech he gave just a few years back
>> where
>> he explicitly said he didn't want to try and recreate the Reagan
>> days.
>> Now he's a rabid ultr-conservative nut who evokes Reagan more than
>> some
>> of us call on God!
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> I got friends who are in prison and Friends who are dead.
> I'm gonna tell ya something that I've often said.
> You know these things that happen,
> That's just the way it's supposed to be.
> And I can't help but wonder,
> Don't ya know it coulda been me.
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