It's now official: The Commander in Chief award for the most spectacular 
freshman flame-out of the 07-08 TV season goes to... Bionic Woman!

Although NBC isn't talking, I'm told by multiple sources that Bionic 
staffers were informed late last week that the troubled reboot has 
indeed been canceled. That means no spring relaunch under new 
show-runner Jason Cahill — which is too bad. Cahill's a talented guy 
(see: The Sopranos), and I was anxious to see what he would do with the 
show. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.

At least now the first stage of grief can get under way. No, not shock — 
the snarky postmortem! What do you think felled Bionic Woman in the end? 
Was it the lackluster pilot? The absence of a clear, creative vision? 
Not enough Starbuck? Too much Isaiah Washington? All of the above? Sound 
off in the comments section below!

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