My friend Lily always tells me, "Live and learn." I had no idea that Clarke was 

brent wodehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                    ,,2267284,00.html
 Brave new worlds
 Michael Moorcock fondly remembers his friend Arthur C Clarke, the Ego,
 visionary and gentleman
 Saturday March 22, 2008
 The Guardian
 I was a very young journalist of 17 or so when Arthur C Clarke invited me
 to celebrate his birthday before he returned to Ceylon, where he had
 recently settled. The party was scheduled for November 5 in north London.
 Flattered to be asked, I gave up plans to get drunk and do exciting things
 with explosives and set off into the terra incognita of Tottenham where
 Arthur's brother Fred lived a modest and respectable life. A bottle in my
 pocket, I knocked at the door to be greeted by Fred. "It's round the
 corner," he said. "I'm just off there myself." He turned a thoughtful eye
 on the bottle. "I don't think you'll need that."
 Promising, I thought. Ego (Arthur's nickname since youth) has laid
 every-thing on. I let Fred place the bottle on the hallstand and followed
 him for a few hundred yards through misty streets, determinedly reenacting
 the Blitz with Roman Candles and Catherine Wheels, until we arrived at a
 church and one of those featureless halls of the kind where the Scouts
 held their regular meetings. Sure enough, inside was a group of mostly
 stunned friends and acquaintances holding what appeared to be teacups, one
 of which was shoved into my hand as I was greeted by Arthur in that
 Somerset-American acent that was all his own. "Welcome," he said. "Got
 everything you want?"
 "Um," I stammered. "Is there only tea ?"
 "Of course not!" beamed the mighty intelligence, who had already published
 the whole concept of satellite communications on which our modern world is
 based. "There's orange juice, too." He indicated a serving hatch. "But
 you'd better hurry, Mike. The film show's starting soon." I saw that
 ladies of the kind who help out at church socials were organising chairs.
 I strolled up to Ted Carnell who, in the 1930s, had founded New Worlds
 with Arthur and John Wyndham when it was still a mimeographed fanzine.
 Ted had the air of melancholy satisfaction I'd spotted on the faces of
 boys at school as they saw you turn up beside them on the headmaster's
 carpet. It read "Caught you, too, did he?"
 Once we were seated, Fred downed the lights and the real ordeal began.
 Arthur's early home movies of the Great Barrier Reef. The projector
 breaking down was the high point. When it did, the relief was tangible.
 In spite of it all, my liking for Arthur continued. Everyone knew he was
 gay. In the 1950s I'd go out drinking with his boyfriend. We met his
 proteges, western and eastern, and their families: people who had only the
 most generous praise for his kindness. Self-absorbed he might be, and a
 teetotaller, but an impeccable gent through and through.
 He had absolutely unshakeable (and why not?) faith in his own visions.
 After all, SatCom was by no means his only accurate prediction. He
 retained a faith in the power of reason and science to cure our ills. At
 one point, when the Tamil Tigers emerged on the Sri Lankan political
 scene, I asked if he wasn't worried. He assured me that it was all a
 misunderstanding and that the Tigers, who subsequently became expert
 terrorists, were basically sound chaps who'd soon give up their wild ideas.
 His view of our world, rather like PG Wodehouse's (whom he resembled
 physically) didn't include much room for the Four Horsemen galloping
 through his rhododendrons. His preferred future was extremely Wellsian,
 full of brainy people sitting about in togas swapping theorems.
 And he was unflappably The Ego. After we watched the preview of 2001,
 Brian Aldiss, JG Ballard and I all admitted it had left us a bit cold in
 the visionary department. He took our poor response with his usual amused
 forgiveness reserved for lesser mortals and told us how many millions the
 movie had already made in America.
 Around that time, I was able to introduce Arthur to William Burroughs.
 Everyone invited to my party expected the master of optimistic hard SF and
 the master of satirical inner space to get on about as well as Attila the
 Hun and Pope Leo. In fact, they spent the entire evening deep in animated
 conversation, pausing only to sip their OJ and complain about the rock 'n'
 roll music on the hifi. At the end of the evening both were warm in their
 gratitude for the introduction.
 I scarcely read a word of his, apart from a few classic short stories,
 though I came to publish him occasionally in New Worlds, and he knew I was
 broadly unfamiliar with his work.
 He understood this to be my loss. And, as he became a massive bestseller,
 partly because of 2001 but perhaps even more because of his TV series
 investigating the paranormal, he didn't change. He would still turn up in
 the pub to show us brochures for his latest ventures and mention casually
 all the famous people who admired him, including Rupert Murdoch and
 Richard Nixon, showing us 10x8 glossies of himself with the world's movers
 and shakers.
 He still understood that we would rather watch his home movies than enjoy
 a drunken evening playing with rockets whose only technical secrets lay in
 the length of their blue touch-paper. But, I have to admit, I became much
 warier of accepting his "party" invitations.
 Angus Wilson once returned from Sri Lanka exasperatedly describing Arthur
 as the most egocentric person he had ever met. Yet somehow, in spite of
 everything, Arthur remained a beloved friend of whom I retain only the
 fondest memories. He was a sweet-natured optimist in a world of grief. I'm
 really going to miss him.

"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 
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