In a message dated 6/8/2008 5:55:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I was planning to stay out of this but am I the only one here who thinks that 
this action would harm the feminist cause big time.   As if IMO Clinton and 
her supporters   actions have all but shattered the feminist faction big 
Highlighting the major splits between the white and eithinic factions of the 
movement.   And in numerously was increasing the woman hatting 
feelings-especially among ethinics over this campaign.

I think the woman hatting  ( white woman) hating feeling were already there. 
Look at what happened in Massachusetts between a black man and white woman. 
The emphasis on voting for a woman whose husband was the "first black 
and an actural black president existed. You can thank Toni Morrison for that. 
She endorsed Obama for that reason. 
The medai made a big deal out of black females. Who are they going to vote 
for. A woman or a black man. Where does their loyalty lie. I kid you not that 
was am article title. Anderso Cooper made a big deal out of it. 
The ont that as a man( Obama had some advantages that females will not have. 
Even if he was a black man)  Blacks were offended but it is true.  Obama was 
treatd differently than a white man who could have been just as charismatic.  
Blacks may think that lesss qualified whites always get the job. There are 
whites that feel that less qualified non whties are there just to show 

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