In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:39:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

That's my thoughts exactly.  What I saw Clintion was in a no-win situation.  
It has now dawn on her that thanks to her primary actions she either has to 
help Obama win the election-even if it means she'll never have a decent shot of 
running for president.  Or killing her political career, and her chance of 
holding her senate seat by either doing nothing, or harming Obama's chance of 
winning it.  So she had to hit one out of the park.  But now she has to make 
that Obama wins the nod or many will blame his loss on her and endure the 
backlash.  Which will probally end her senate career.
This is what I am tired of . I am tired of the Everything is racist. Poor 
Obama. I saw him in the debates with Hillary. He was horrible. However black 
peole were crying racism. I saw him at Saddleback. McCain was great. You can't 
blame that on racism. Minoriites have been force feed that nothing is there 
fault. It is all the racist system.  
Now you have all of these so called white liberals who feel proud they are 
not racist like their parents. We can all be stupid toghet. Give me a break.  
Take teen pregnacy. It used to be a "black problem:. Now it is a white 
problem and is acceptable. You have all of these dolllars going in to stop it 
in the 
black community. However it is ballooning in the white community. When will 
Obama tell whites to get their act together. He won't . 
He will say that peopel must work together to stop problems. It will be 
accpetable becuse he is a Bill Cosby type of person. John McCain says the same 
thing and he is labeled a racist. This has NOT helped. People need to sop 
at race and look at the problem. 

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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