This is something I've wanted done for years. The Bush administration has a 
type of technology office, but it focuses mostly on cyber security (like 
everything else they do, it's all focused on a war- and paranoi-based mindset). 
 Some kind of coordinated initative to discuss technology directions for the 
country would be a good idea. Not sure if making another government office to 
muddy the waters is the way to go (as the article mentions) if the goal is to 
control things, but a type of information gathering clearinghouse to help 
define goals and directions would be good. For example, if someone could have 
been around to advise that biofuel research had gone in a direction other than 
corn--such as sweetgrass--a couple of years ago, valuable time could have been 
Not sure what form this would take (they don't seem to be sure) but I'm excited 
about the possibilities.
Obama's CTO: Watch out for the turf wars
Google CEO Eric Schmidt is out of the running for the chief technology officer 
(CTO) position that the Obama administration is planning to create. In an 
interview with CNBC's Jim Cramer, Schmidt said, "I love working at Google and 
I'm very happy to stay at Google, so the answer is no." Schmidt will remain a 
close adviser to President-elect Barack Obama, but his first call to duty is 
Based on the job description below, it could be difficult to find a worthy 
candidate from the private sector willing to take on a task of such enormous 
scope in an environment known to chew up and spit out White House policy czars. 
Obama will appoint the nation's first Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to ensure 
that our government and all its agencies have the right infrastructure, 
policies and services for the 21st century. The CTO will ensure the safety of 
our networks and will lead an interagency effort, working with chief technology 
and chief information officers of each of the federal agencies, to ensure that 
they use best-in-class technologies and share best practices.
The Obama administration's CTO job could be one of those bureaucratic positions 
that ends up consumed by turf wars rather than making real progress against 
initiatives. CNET News' Stephanie Condon noted the overlaps, which could turn 
into conflicts, between a White House CTO and CTOs working in various agencies:
The jurisdiction of a CTO could overlap with other agencies or executive 
positions in areas such as innovation policy, cybersecurity, or intellectual 
property enforcement. To avoid those overlaps, the Obama team will have to 
decide, for instance, whether the CTO would focus on goals like making agencies 
more efficient or take on a broader agenda such as dictating policy.
Just creating and implementing a coherent technology plan and policy for the 
numerous agencies under the Department of Homeland Security is an incredibly 
daunting task for a CTO. The DHS Directorate of Science and Technology, for 
example, has a budget of $830 million. It has 250 projects in process and 50 
percent of them are expected to fail, according to Jay Cohen, Under Secretary 
for Science and Technology for the DHS. 
The Department of Homeland Security organizational chart. The DHS is trying to 
achieve information flow across 87,000 different federal, state, and local 
governmental jurisdictions.
(Credit: Department of Homeland Security)
The Obama administration has a long list of tech initiatives (see below). The 
focus should be on having the best technical minds and management working on 
each initiative--the White House CTO as chief tech policy evangelist, 
inter-agency liaison and human capital recruiter. 
Protect the Openness of the Internet 
Encourage Diversity in Media Ownership 
Protect Our Children While Preserving the First Amendment 
Safeguard our Right to Privacy 
Open Up Government to its Citizens 
Bring Government into the 21st Century 
Deploy Next-Generation Broadband 
Promote American Businesses Abroad 
Invest in the Sciences 
Invest in University-Based Research 
Make the R&D Tax Credit Permanent 
Ensure Competitive Markets 
Protect American Intellectual Property Abroad 
Protect American Intellectual Property at Home 
Reform the Patent System 
Restore Scientific Integrity to the White House 
Make Math and Science Education a National Priority 
Improve and Prioritize Science Assessments 
Address the Dropout Crisis 
Pinpoint College Aid for Math and Science Students 
Increase Science and Math Graduates 
Lower Health Care Costs by Investing in Electronic Information Technology 
Invest in Climate-Friendly Energy Development and Deployment 
Modernize Public Safety Networks 
Advance the Biomedical Research Field 
Advance Stem Cell Research 
Speaking at the Web 2.0 Summit, HP CTO Shane Robison, who has been touted as a 
White House CTO candidate, believes that a White House CTO would need to focus 
on a few key tech initiatives and not just serve as an administrator or liaison 
between CTOs across the government. 
This approach to the White House CTO job makes the most sense in terms of being 
able to accomplish specific objectives. In addition, Obama is fielding his own 
technology council of private and public sector titans, as his predecessor did 
with his President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), to 
advise and help out on key issues. 
(Credit: CBS News)
As the rookie U.S. senator who was catapulted into the White House on the back 
of the Internet, Obama knows that technology is a key enabler for his President 
2.0 administration. He keeps a BlackBerry or iPhone on a holster on his hip, 
although his campaign Flickr photo library appears to devoid of pictures of 
Obama using his smartphone. (It must not yet be considered appropriate to show 
the president-elect text messaging.) 
The technology to accomplish his long list of goals exists, but the funding, 
expertise, focus and political will is lacking in many areas. Transforming the 
U.S. government technology infrastructure from a plodding battleship (outside 
of the NSA and a few other high-tech agencies) into a speedy, adaptable ship 
built for the Internet age isn't going to be solved in the Obama era. But great 
progress can be made if the White House CTO can recruit into agencies the kind 
of people who helped Obama transform the way electoral campaigns are run and 
stimulate young people to study science curriculums. 
Originally posted at Outside the Lines 

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