Danny Boyle, who created the series of London-based viral epidemic films 28
Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, told a group of journalists that not only
could there be a third film but also that he might direct it. Boyle directed
28 Days but produced 28 Weeks for director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo. 

"I'd certainly like to," Boyle said in a group interview on Nov. 6 in
Beverly Hills, Calif., where he was promoting his latest film, Slumdog
Millionaire. "I feel the idea is quite a strong idea, and it could well
involve directing it. Yeah, absolutely." 

Boyle began rousing fan speculation about a third film when he suggested
that 28 Months Later could follow 28 Weeks. 

As for what would happen when Weeks turn to Months, Boyle remained vague
about the concept. 

"There is an idea for a third part, but I haven't really done enough about
it yet," he said. 

The first film introduced the viral outbreak that reduced London to hordes
of raving, zombie-like monsters. The sequel explored what happens when the
military tries to repopulate the city after the threat was presumably

Since Boyle has not begun scripting a third film, he did not want to reveal
the new premise. "But I've got an idea for it, so I can't really tell you
any more than that at the moment, but hopefully that might happen," he said.

28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later were distributed by Fox Searchlight and Fox
Atomic respectively in the United States and 20th Century Fox in the United
Kingdom. --Fred Topel


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