by Elisabeth Rappe <>
Jan 26th 2009 // 3:02PM

Seth Rogen's <>
revival of The Green Hornet
<>  may not see the
light of day. You remember, of course, that Stephen
n-hornet/>  Chow left the director's chair. It was then rumored
that he might not even play Kato due to commitments to a Jack Black
superhero comedy. Sony was hunting frantically for a director to make that
spring shooting schedule, but no replacement has been found. 

Now the usually reliable Drew McWeeny of HitFix
ogen-s-green-hornet-been-defeated>  is reporting what we have long suspected
-- that you may be hearing the death knell of the Green Hornet. With Chow
dropping out, Sony began to hesitate. Rumors flew at Sundance that the film
was dead and McWeeny reports that if it isn't yet, it probably will be soon.

The Green Hornet has been in and out of development for years. George
Clooney famously headed up one almost-but-not-quite attempt, as did Kevin
Smith. McWeeney notes that "if this particular configuration doesn't happen,
then I suspect it never will," which I have to agree with. If Rogen fails,
he can at least take some pride that Clooney and Smith failed before him ...
but it has to sting (pun not intended), especially after all that physical
training he's put in. We'll watch and see what happens -- and I'll be
curious if there's more cheering or weeping in the comments.

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