Captain Obama ... Is It Time for a Black Comic Book Superhero?

Tuesday , January 27, 2009

By S.E. Cupp

Barack Obama has appeared in at least two comic series since his arrival on
the national stage.

Back in September the superhero Savage Dragon took it upon himself to
endorse Obama for president, and days before his inauguration, Spider-Man
saved the day for the 44th president by defeating an Obama imposter.

While Savage Dragon is an overly muscular green humanoid, Spider-Man is a
real, live human being. And, like Superman and Batman and Captain America
and Flash and Wonder Woman, the Web Crawler has a common trait among comic
strip superheroes:

He's white.

Since their inception, there have been only a few black superheroes in comic
books, and fewer still have achieved mainstream appeal.

But Obama's rise to the presidency now has many people in the business of
creating and marketing heroes hoping that a black superhero will finally
break into mainstream pop culture.

Marvel Comics, home of Spider-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man and the X-Men, is
keeping up with the times. The company recently announced the untold story
of the first Marvel superhero of color in the "Adam: Legend of the Blue
Marvel" project. The Black Panther, another Marvel mainstay, will undergo a
life-altering new storyline and will be featured in an animated series.

Whether any of these developments will mean more big screen time for black
superheroes will be up to Marvel readers. "While we're always looking to
represent characters from all walks of life, at the end of the day the most
important thing is crafting good stories - that's what people are going to
respond to," said executive editor Tom Brevoort.

That reader response, for black comic artists in particular, could carry
larger sociological implications.

"I figure, the more you see us in a different light, the more doors that
open up for African-Americans," says Jerry Craft, the award-winning creator
of the Mama's Boyz comic strip, which chronicles the life of an
African-American woman raising two teenage sons. The strip has been
syndicated by King Features since 1995.

Craft is one of three black comic-strip artists who offered
exclusive drawings of what they would like a black superhero to look like.

. Click <,4644,6392,00.html>  here to see
images of the new superheroes.

"Hopefully seeing us as more positive members of the community, and not just
the people you see on the news or 'Cops,' will get them to expand their
horizons to include us," said Craft, who has worked for Marvel and Harvey
Comics and was editorial director at Sports Illustrated for Kids.

. RELATED: <,2933,482836,00.html>  What
leading artists, authors and editors say about the absence of black
superheroes and President Obama's possible impact.

The first black superhero was Marvel's Black Panther, who showed up in a
1966 Fantastic Four story and has gained some popularity. Another Marvel
character, Blade, earned big-market attention when Wesley Snipes personified
him in a film version of the comic. Some characters have vacillated between
races - both Spawn and Catwoman were black in certain iterations, white in
others. And characters like Storm, Luke Cage, Static, and Bishop have
enjoyed a certain level of celebrity, but not the kind that has netted
others their own big-budget Hollywood films.

But with Obama establishing a new role model for blacks in America,
traditional depictions of blacks in popular culture could get a makeover,
said culture critic David Horowitz.

"I think having a black president will have a positive impact on black
images in the popular culture and will move that culture away from some of
its politically correct absurdities," he said.

Comic book creators, authors and artists have many explanations for the
historical absence of black superheroes in mainstream pop culture.

Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen, a former Spider-Man author for Marvel,
says, "I think part of that is that there hasn't been a breakout character
that transcends race the way actors Will Smith and Eddie Murphy have, or the
'Cosby Show' did, or, frankly, Barack Obama has.

"The characters in comics are often too ethnic for a white audience and too
embarrassing for a black one."

Adds Craft: "I don't think that the black superheroes of the past were all
that interesting. Since most of the creators were white, they based their
characters on their perception of black men and women. They definitely were
not built to stand the test of time."

Political correctness has also been an impediment. "I think that their
creators tried hard not to offend blacks and made many of them too perfect,"
Craft said. "Many were army heroes or Olympic athletes who were fighting a
noble cause. They had no character deficiencies or internal conflicts that
are usually needed to make a story interesting."

Before Obama won the presidency, blacks were largely implausible as
superheroes, Craft said.

"I think that there is a perception of black people that America is
comfortable with, and I'm not sure the hero role was it," he said. "We can
be athletes and rappers, but not Superman. Thor saved the universe, Captain
America saved the country, Spider-Man saved the city, but Luke Cage saved
125th Street (in Harlem) between Frederick Douglass and Adam Clayton Powell

Spike, a 30-year-old black, female comic artist and the creator of the
series "Templar, Arizona," says, "This may have something to do with not
only the original audience for superhero books, but the interpretation of
the superhero as an unattainable ideal with the broadest appeal. That
usually means appealing to society's default perspective, and for decades,
especially during the conception of the original pantheon of superheroes,
that perspective was unquestionably white and male."

Robert J. Walker is the creator of Delete, one of the only black female
superheroes in comics, and "O+Men," a group of characters who are all
HIV-positive. Formerly employed by Marvel and DC Comics, he focuses now on
addressing social issues through his comics.

"I used to gripe all the time about the lack of ethnic characters at Marvel
and DC," he said. "Most people working there were Caucasian. I don't think
it was a racist thing. It was just an understanding that, you know, black
girls aren't really the target audience for comics, so black girl
superheroes weren't really going to be major characters.

"Even black artists there didn't really have the power to push black

The dearth of black superheroes in mainstream, big-market comics has driven
independent authors and artists to create and market their own through
self-publishing and online. It's also resulted in an online Museum of Black
Superheroes, which spotlights lesser-known characters and addresses the
historical roadblocks that have kept many of these heroes in the shadows of
their more famous peers.

Christopher Brown is associate editor of "Bam! Kapow!," an online magazine
that pays special attention to comic properties that make the leap to film,
television or video games. Brown says Obama's election can only help bring
more black superheroes to the forefront.

"Having a black president will significantly change our pop culture
depictions, as he is now the primary representative of our nation," he said.
"As such, the characters that make up American 'mythology,' such as our
superheroes, will change and adapt with the changing times. President Obama
is an icon, and will inspire similar icons as well."

Paradoxically, the advent of a black president could mean that science
fiction depictions of black commanders in chief - once the stuff of fantasy
- will likely fall out of favor. Says Spike, "For decades, black presidents
were shortcuts, obvious symbolism that a story was taking place in a far-off
and more progressive future.

"Now that there's nothing strange about a black man being president, science
fiction writers will have to think of something else. Personally, I think
the next go-to improbable minority-figure-in-power for sci-fi authors will
be an openly gay president.",2933,483544,00.html

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