Hear Hear, Keith!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@comcast.net>
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:39:22 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints

The problem nowadays is that everything is too micro-analyzed and watched. 
Whether it's Obama's performance, TV series, or movies, they are monitored on a 
minute-by-minute, second-by-second basis. A sixty-plus million dollar haul is 
great for a nearly three-hour, R-rated movie based on a "comic" that most 
people outside the fanbase never heard of. And even among comic fans, the 
majority have never read "Watchmen". So, while the hype might have been way up 
there, i personally try to avoid it. I think it's doing well, it will do fairly 
well the next few weeks, even if box office drops greatly. It'll do well in 
countries like Britian where they appreciate a little more intelligent fare, 
and then it'll have great legs on DVD.

But people calling this a "failure"? Well, that's the problem with Hollywood 
nowadays. Nothing gets a chance to prove itself in the long haul.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com>
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, "Cinque3000" <cinque3...@verizon. net>
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 2:21:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints

Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints
By Graeme McMillan, 9:00 AM on Sat Mar 7 2009, 15,320 views 
Well, this wasn't what we expected. According to initial estimations, Watchmen 
made less money in its first day than Zack Snyder's 300, despite playing in 
more theaters. Has the backlash happened early?
According to Exhibitor Relations, Watchmen made $25.1 million yesterday, 
including the $4.6 million from the Thursday night screenings, from 3,611 
theaters; 300's first day gross was $28.1 million from 3,103 theaters. The box 
office tracking site now projects an opening weekend gross for Snyder's latest 
movie of around $60 million, which is below 300's $70.8 million... as well as, 
worryingly for Warners, Ice Age 2, the movie to hold the March opening weekend 
record prior to the swords and Spartans flick. Deadline Hollywood's Nikki Finke 
agrees, saying that "[i]t's now certain that $70M, even if Thursday's 1,600 
midnight shows are included in the total, is impossible," and quoting an 
unnamed marketing guru warning that things could get worse:
They will get a lot of initial interest because it's an event movie in March — 
and then the bottom falls out. Whether Warner Bros can broaden the campaign to 
sustain interest in Watchmen is what movie analysts will be watching after this 
While there's no doubting that Watchmen's opening weekend will be huge - at $60 
million, it'll still be the third largest March opening ever - it's far below 
what now look, in hindsight, like unrealistic expectations; even yesterday, 
after all, we were being told that advance tickets were outselling 300 and that 
that a $70 million weekend was the target (although /Film pretty much hit the 
target with their estimate of $63 million in the first weekend). Now, because 
of such excitement - and because 300 was being set up as the movie to compare 
this to, Watchmen's big weekend looks somewhat less impressive. But who knows? 
Maybe word of mouth will boost the movie's Saturday and Sunday.
"Watchmen" Scores $25.1 Mil Friday [Exhibitor Relations]


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