Without a doubt, GREAT!  saw it at the 12:30am showing (had nothing 2 do and my 
son and daughter wanted 2 do a midnight movie) and it was packed in Hollywood 
24.  the movie is 2 1/2 hours long and is in my opinion, more more intense and 
fun than the first one.  i saw a couple of reviewers (and who pays these people 
i will never know) saw that it was terrible and that the dialogue was not 
witty, but i beg 2 differ.  there was plenty of action and a very good mix of 
humor.  yes there were more robots than u can shake a stick at, but who cares?  
it is summer entertainment at it's best.  lots of explosions, lots of funny 
scenes interlaced with the action.  have 2 admit, with all of the new robots i 
was hurt the i did not see Ultra Magnus (maybe next time?) or even Hot Rod 
(just as long as they do not make him Rodimus Prime).  SPOILER:  there is one 
battle that takes place out in the woods were Optimus was totally kicking ass 
and taking names! 
 brilliant! i tell u, brilliant!  if you want 2 be entertained for a good 2 1/2 
hours, it's a must see!
3 Stars in my book!

so speaks Dr. Fate


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