I do as well, Daryle. It's as though all of the neo-cons lunged for the GOP 
Self-Destruct Switch at the same time. We need the balance of bipartisanship to 
make anything approaching the American Dream a reality, and that won't happen 
for some time, as long as the most vocal members of the party are Rush and 

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Question: When does the hate stop and human decency 

 Date : Sun, 12 Jul 2009 17:21:35 -0400

 From : Daryle Lockhart <dar...@darylelockhart.com>

 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

This is going to come across as crazy to many of you, but here goes:

I feel sorry for true conservatives.

I don't think they ever believed it was going to come to this. but 
they co-signed a mob mentality by allowing "the Architect" to run 
rampant for 9 years (first during the campaign and then 8 FULL 
years in Bush 2.0's reign) and now, yeah, you have that scene from 
"This Is England" where the kid's in the back of the car after 
leaving a white supremacist meeting and says "do you really 
believe all that stuff" and gets thrown out of the car.

I was sorta hoping to have good debate between TRUE conservatives and 
some TRUE liberals, and the moderates would be able to contribute 
some things as well, but this neo-con stuff has completely taken 
over. The Republican party has a lot of work to do. The sex 
scandals, gay and straight, are out of control. As an organization, 
they are becoming ineffective. They need leadership, but all they 
keep getting are employees, regurgitating company policy. "When 
Jim was General Manager, we never had these problems!!" Yes, but 
Jim was fired and sent to jail for embezzling funds. So let's get 
past our crush on Jim, and fix the company.

I really expected the true conservatives to take their party back. 
Shame on me.

On Jul 12, 2009, at 12:21 PM, Augustus Augustus wrote:

> Hate to post this, but I found this from a Princeton professor 
> friend of mine.
> http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php? 
> sid=101100539206&amp;h=Wq46x&amp;u=HJmBo&amp;ref=nf


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