Personally, I question whether any of it is even real. The silly-to-me 
affectation of viewing the hunt through infrared lenses is off-putting and, 
many times as I watch the preview clips (I have yet to sit through a full ep -- 
3/4 at best), I feel as though many of the "perceived effects" of the haunting 
are nothing more than subliminal in anture, the investigators talking 
themselves into seeing things.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 03:54:32 +0000
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?


good points.
Has anyone watched an entire ep of "Ghost Hunters"? Once those dweebs pronounce 
a house safe, does anyone ever go back and interview the occupants a few weeks 
later, to see if the manifestations are back? Have those idiots ever pronounced 
a house or building haunted, and if so, does anyone ever go back to confirm 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Baxter" <>
To: "SciFiNoir2" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 2:12:54 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?



Into this, I say something I said several months back.

Siffy needs *competition* in delivering genre to the fans. 

Back in the day, there was only HBO delivering premium viewing to the masses. 
Therefore, they were able to get away with cycling the same batch of crap to 
viewers month after month. What are watchers gonna do? Go soemwhere else? There 
was nowhere else. After Cinemax, The Movie Channel and Showtime moved onto the 
scene, it forced HBO to amp up their game.

And, as for that "coming thing" (tip of hat to "Brisco County Jr."), I'm 
holding the door open with the lead balloon that is Ghost Hunters.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 13:34:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?



BBC America is the  home of true sci-fi on TV. There. I said it. 2009  was the 
test,  and BBC passed.  Evidence?  While you were flipping out over 
"Destination Truth"  and "Ghost HUnters",  BBC was playingthe  first  episode 
of Torchwood. Which  is all  I really  needed.  SyFy didn't just  jump the 
shark, they did a reality series  on shark jumping. I haven't seen the books,  
but I've resigned myself to the fact that this network is some money  
laundering joint  for NBC. The ratings for  "Green Mutatnt Jello Bikini Beach 
Attack with Alien Wolves" are  really good,  and so  advertisers keep  coming  
back. This network will  not be changing anytime soon. You may wanna just get 
used to YouTube and hulu like the rest of us. 
There's a marketing suit at SyFY that's on twitter, and I really feel bad for 
the guy.  When you look at his followers it's all people who  are genuinely  
interested in science fiction. And he's getting GREAT FEEDBACK. Really 
thoughtful stuff. But nothing's happening. 
Now, on another film blog I was recently awarded the "most foolishly 
optimistic" award, and so  to  ainitain my  title supremacy, I submit this: the 
last time TV was this bad...we got MST3K. So something's coming. Not sure what, 
 but something's coming. Maybe another Elvira. Something. There are too many  
bad TV shows now for someone not to  make a real living off of this.
On Sep 7, 2009, at 10:18 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:        So we had a long 
holiday weekend, and, going into it, I prepared myself for another weekend of 
marathons. You know: Twilight Zone all day Saturday, "Enterprise" or TNG on 
Monday. Maybe some "Eureka" or BSG thrown in for good measure. But know what we 
got instead? All day Sunday, the "reality" show "Destination Truth", and all 
day Labor Day, "Ghost Hunters".  WTF???

Look, SyFy has a huge backlog of scifi series, successful and canceled, that 
they can show. There's "The Dresden Files", "Special Unit 7". there's even that 
creepy show with Matthew Fox that took place in a weird hospital. What about 
old eps of "First Wave"? I'd take that over searches for urban legends and 
local myths.  Hell, they can pull out Space: Above and Beyond if they want. I'd 
watch it over those idiot Ghostbuster wannabes. 

Fortunately I wasn't home very much, so didn't have to depend on the telly for 
entertainment. But when I was home? I watched marathons of "Ben 10: Alien 
Force", "Wolverine and the X-Men", and science fact shows "The Universe" and 
"Planet Earth" instead.  Sad that I'm more excited to watch cartoons more than 
a supposed science fiction channel all weekend.





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