This is funny! 
Pigeon beats broadband in data transfer race 



Posted on 10 Sep 2009 at 10:59 

A company has become so disgruntled with its slow broadband connection, that's 
it begun transferring large files via homing pigeon. 

In a very tortoise and hare story, a financial services company based in 
Durban, South Africa pitted a homing pigeon carrying 4GB of data on a USB stick 
against its broadband connection to find out which would be faster transferring 
the data between its two offices 80km apart. 

The homing pigeon, named Winston, arrived with the USB stick in two hours and 
seven minutes, just as the download hit 4% complete. The company believes 
Winston can be trained to deliver the data in 45 minutes, a significant boost 
over its ropey broadband connection. 

"For years we've struggled with the internet as a method of communication. It's 
fine for e-mails and correspondence, but we need to transfer a lot of data from 
one office to another and find it often lets us down," the company's chief 
executive Kevin Rolfe tells the Metro . "If we get bad weather and the service 
goes down it can up to two days to get through." 

Winston is vulnerable to the weather and predators such as hawks. Obviously he 
will have to take his chances 

However, he admits the plan is not without its difficulties: "There are other 
problems, of course. Winston is vulnerable to the weather and predators such as 
hawks. Obviously he will have to take his chances but we're confident this 
system can work for us,' says Rolfe. 

Pigeons to bridge Britain's broadband divide anybody? 

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