Thank you, Keityh. yesterday, I had the thought that, if the race tables had 
been switched, and it had been some big country star stealing the spotlight 
from Beyonce, there'd be brothers out there in full riot mode.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 01:12:44 +0000
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Kanye West Again Ruins Award Recipient's 


That is very true. But what a sad demonstration of that newfound freedom we 

And for my last take, let me reiterate this wasn't about defending some 
innocent *white* girl. I did see a kid (only 19) having fun, ruined by a fool. 
Had this been Keke Palmer, I'd have been incensed. Had it been Mariah Carey, 
I'd have been pissed. When he did it to the white guys a while back, i was 
taken aback.

I see a lot of blacks got ticked at what they saw was people attacking the Big 
Black Man for menacing their Pure White Virgin. And yeah, I know this is 
America: I know there's some of that among some of the populace. It's just not 
my motivation. 

Like I said, to me, this is irritation at a Black man acting a fool, from a guy 
raised in  a time when we were raised to "act  like you got some sense".

And by the way, when Jay Leno asked West what his mom would have thought about 
his behaviour, he could only hang his head in shame and sadness. Brother isn't 
bad, just needs to get some distance and focus on what he's trying to be.

----- Original Message -----
From: "ravenadal" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:10:50 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Kanye West Again Ruins Award Recipient's Moment


                  My last take on the Kanye West mess: it wasn't too long ago 
when a black man would be lynched for having the temerity to step wise to a 
precious white flower of the Confederacy.  That Mr. West can do so on national 
television and live to tell about it is indisputable evidence of how far we 
have come.

As a character in my unpublished novel says, "What virtue is there in being 
chaste when that is the only choice you have?"


--- In, Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@...> wrote:


> I'm not even close to doing a "Bill Cosby", whatever that means. And I have 
> sensed some black folks irritated because Taylor Swift is a young blonde 
> white girl. That has nothing to do with it for me. I think his behavior is 
> just boorish and stupid. One thing black people used to be able to count on 
> was that we had good "home training", that our mamas and daddies taught us to 
> act like we had some "sense". When he did this to a group of white male 
> singers a while back, I thought that was ridiculous. We have to be careful to 
> avoid this near malicious pleasure at what we see as some black hero giving 
> it back to Whitey. that ain't what this is about. 


> You're way too focused on what's cool, what's hip, what's seen as edgy, what 
> gets people press, at people's "rights". What you're missing is that the 
> right of speech for you should not infringe upon the right of speech for me. 
> Had Kanye presented and wanted to say that, I'd have still thought he was out 
> of line, but okay, that his biz. Don't invite him back to speak. Had he said 
> it in an interview later, his business. He he blogged or twittered it, fine. 
> His biz. 


> But this guy jumped up on stage and took the mic from another person, ruined 
> her moment, and then proceeded to tell millions she didn't deserve it. That 
> is out of line. You can't possibly tell me that in your life--personal, 
> church, or business--if someone did that to you, you'd let it go as "their 
> right to free speech". You tellling me that everytime you made a presentation 
> at work, got an honor, received praise from someone, that if someone jumped u 
> and did you that way you'd be cool with it? The way I was raised, you want to 
> say something you wait your turn. You act with decorum and common sense. And 
> the way I grew up, when you physically Bogart your way into someone's space 
> and face, it's a belligerent act that could start something. It's rude and 
> stupid, no matter the gender, age, race, class, coolness, genius, standing, 
> or rep of any of the principals involved. 


> As for comparing this to other governments, what of it? Boorish behavior is 
> boorish behavior. And even then, you're getting it wrong. The Brits do a 
> strong session where one person talks, another jumps up and responds, and on 
> and on. The crowd yells and harumphs, and all, but the Parliamentarians don't 
> jump up and wrestle the mic from each other. If they continue always speaking 
> over each other, they're called to order. 


> I strongly think we need to step back from this rancor based on politics, 
> ideology, class, and (what I'm hearing here) racial conflict, and remember 
> what it is to "act like you got some sense". 


> Kanye is a black man raised by a black mom who I know taught him better. Were 
> she still alive, I'm pretty sure she'd have been just as upset with his 
> behavior as I am, no matter what color Swift had been. 


> ----- Original Message ----- 

> From: "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@...> 

> To: 

> Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 7:57:52 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 

> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Kanye West Again Ruins Award Recipient's Moment 







> I think that you are trying to do a Bill Cosby here. Frankly, he can do 
> whatever the hell he wants short of shooting someone on stage. All press is 
> good press. The subtext that I am reading here is "poor little white girl 
> abused by the evil buck negro..." I have no sympathy for the rich rug rat at 
> all nor do I like Kanye or his music. What I am defending is his right to say 
> what he said. 


> MTV is a joke, and a thin shadow of what it used to be. 


> The US is very tame when comes to outbursts. Watch a UK Parliamentary meeting 
> sometime. 



> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@... > wrote: 







> so it's "mild", that still doesn't justify it! That's like say Joe Wilson 
> calling Obama a liar is mild compared to the Southerner who beat a Northern 
> Congressman unconscious in chambers (way back in the 1800s, arguing over 
> slavery and states' rights). 


> I fear we are falling too far into "everyone's doing it", "I'm gonna yell 
> louder than my opponent", "I'm hard so I gotta represent", "I don't like what 
> you did so I can act rude" territory. 





> ----- Original Message ----- 

> From: "Mr. Worf" < hellomahog...@... > 

> To: 

> Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 5:30:17 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 

> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Kanye West Again Ruins Award Recipient's Moment 










> Rapping is about machismo and wit. It is based on the streets even if they 
> grew up going to private school in suburbia. Acting civil is not always part 
> of the program. Also, I think that there is another statement being made that 
> hasn't been brought up yet. It is about the VMA process. Video A may be a 
> better video than Video B, but if video B was made by a teen pop idol it will 
> win every time. 


> What Kanye did is mild compared to some of the other incidents out there 
> involving other rappers. 



> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Daryle Lockhart < dar...@... > wrote: 






> Because sometimes...SOMEtimes...rude is cool. 



> Youth culture is not supposed to be neat and polite. Somebody's gotta be a 
> bad ass. This month? It's Kanye. 



> But that's not even the real problem. 



> Please understand that my problem is that MTV has demonstrated on numerous 
> occasions (let's not forget, someone walked on stage during Jay-Z's number as 
> well last night) that their security is lacking. But the conversation is 
> about Kanye. The point is that Kanye should have WANTED to get on stage but 
> couldn't, and THEN blogged about it. MTV set conditions that allowed him to 
> act on his impulse, a situation that could be dangerous to future events. 







> On Sep 14, 2009, at 3:53 PM, Martin Baxter wrote: 






> Daryle, one question. 


> WHY do we need Black artists being rude? 


> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant 








> To: 

> From: dar...@... 

> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 12:13:54 -0400 

> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Kanye West Again Ruins Award Recipient's Moment 





> What's wrong with him is that every time he does this and releases and album 
> it sells millions of copies and downloads. What's wrong with him is that he's 
> been a jerk on records for years now and everybody loved him. When his mom 
> died, everybody blogged about how they "understood". Really? Well then how 
> does everyone turn on him when he acts a fool? Who's been checking on and 
> mentoring Kanye during all of this? The first paragraph of this piece is the 
> most important. Kanye's village is the entertainment industry. 




> What I love about everyone's criticism of this is that nobody finds it 
> strange that these kinds of things happen around MTV events. How, exactly, 
> does one get to go on stage during someone's acceptance speech, in New York 
> City, in September? Is there NO security? Furthermore, how is there no 
> contingency plan for KANYE WEST, a dude who has done this before. 
> FURTHERmore, how does Kanye West get into Radio City with an open bottle of 
> Hennessey, unchecked? 



> How does MTV's parent company have to pay millions of dollars in fines to the 
> FCC over Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" and then, the event where 
> she's one of the opening acts, there's no contingency plan for something to 
> happen on stage? 



> Additionally, Taylor Swift did NOT handle it gracefully. She reacted like the 
> line judge at the US Open this weekend, acting like her life was in danger. 
> She had just got finished talking about how she was a country artist. Good 
> luck taking the mic from Dolly Parton. Kanye would have gotten HANDLED at the 
> Grand Ol Opry. No, Taylor went into "little ol me" mode, but still held it 
> together enough to perform. This is show business. 



> I am so tired of media companies getting a pass when stuff happens on their 
> dime. If this were Johnny Rotten all the blogs would be talking about how 
> "cool" it was and how "real rock and roll is back". Why can't a Black artist 
> be rude? the dude's whole act is being rude and cocky. The guy has a song 
> about his BIG EGO. WTF is "he's lost it this time". No, he lost it when he 
> said "George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People", but because we all AGREED 
> with that, we let it go. If THIS is wrong, THAT was wrong. 



> And finally, spare me the "poor Taylor Swift". When Beyonce gave her the 
> opportunity to "have her moment", the child literally went out there and 
> finished her speech. No dap to Beyonce, no acknowledgment that she didn't 
> direct the video, and that the DIRECTOR really deserved the award...just 
> "mememememe", turned, and left. 



> This is show business. Everybody has an act. Everybody bought the "Kanye is 
> weird and might be crazy" act and DID NOT SAY ANYTHING. Now it's doing what 
> it said on the box, and everybody's up in arms? Come on. Let's not be this 
> stuffy. 









> On Sep 14, 2009, at 12:01 AM, Keith Johnson wrote: 







> To get away from healthcare, rude Republicans, and terrorists. As Monty 
> Python gang said, "And now for something completely different..." what the 
> heck is wrong with the brother?? 


> ************************************************** 



> Kanye West Has Truly Lost It This Time 


> Posted 6 minutes ago by Billy Johnson, Jr. in Hip-Hop Media Training You know 
> that saying, it takes a village to raise a child? 

> Apparently, Kanye 's village has failed him. He obviously doesn't have a real 
> friend in the world. There does not appear to be anyone who can get through 
> to him, to make him understand that he needs to curb his obnoxious behavior. 

> I thought it was a joke when Kanye showed up on the MTV Video Music Awards 
> stage next to Taylor Swift , right in the middle of her acceptance speech for 
> Best Female Video for " You Belong With Me ." It was the first Moon Man for 
> the 19-year-old country starlet, who has become an equally huge star in the 
> pop world. 

> "I always dreamed about what it would be like to win one of these one day," 
> Taylor said with surprise. "I never thought it would happen." 

> As Taylor continued, Kanye interrupted, saying he thought Beyonce's "Single 
> Ladies" video was wrongly overlooked. "Hey Taylor, I'm really happy for you, 
> but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." 

> Taylor looked humiliated. I felt humiliated for her. The audience booed him, 
> and gave her a standing ovation. 

> I didn't expect Taylor to win that award, and I'm not upset about Kanye's 
> opinion. However, bum-rushing the stage wasn't the appropriate time and place 
> to express his disagreement. 

> Not only was Kanye's approach disrespectful, it was especially a 
> disrespectful act directed towards a woman--a teenage girl, actually. Taylor 
> won't turn 20 until December. I can only imagine how her father feels. I'm 
> sure he would like to have a talk to Kanye. I'm not related to her, and I'd 
> like to have a talk with him. 

> If Kanye wants people to win the awards he thinks they deserve, he should 
> create his own event. He should name it after his website, 
> , and webcast it. 

> Kanye is a guest at the MTV Video Music Awards. He does not determine the 
> winners. The winners are determined by popular vote. Furthermore, aside from 
> the fact that Taylor Swift is a top-selling artist, who has revolutionized 
> teen country pop, she did not have any competition in this category as her 
> competitors Beyonce, Lady GaGa, Pink, and Kelly Clarkson split the pop vote. 
> Taylor had to get 100 percent of the country vote, plus some of the pop vote 
> as well. 

> It's simple math that even a "College Dropout" should be able to figure out. 

> Ironically, a MTV writer joked that Kanye's rant was an indication that he 
> might be inebriated. "Kanye West ruins Taylor Swift's big moment," the 
> editor wrote. "Further proof that he's on the Hennessy. In my humble 
> opinion, that is." 

> MTV also reported that Perez Hilton and Hayley Williams started a #TeamTaylor 
> trend on Twitter. 

> Pink tweeted about her annoyance with Kanye. "Kanye West is the biggest piece 
> of sh-t on earth. Quote me," she wrote. "My heart goes out to Taylor Swift. 
> She is a sweet and talented girl, and deserved her moment. She should know we 
> all love her." 

> Kanye has previously made award show rants about Gretchen Wilson, Justice and 
> Simian, as well as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, but this was the 
> worst. 

> I give credit to Taylor. She handled it gracefully. The audience countered 
> him by giving her a standing ovation, and booed Kanye throughout the night 
> whenever his name was mentioned. 

> Taylor performed "You Belong With Me" live just minutes later. I watched, 
> wondering if she would feel flustered, and if it would show in her 
> performance. But it didn't. 

> I think she channeled that negative energy into a positive. Good for her. 

> Fortunately, Taylor got another chance to complete her acceptance speech. 
> When Beyonce accepted the Best Video Award for "Single Ladies," she invited 
> Taylor back on stage. 

> "Wow, this is amazing," Beyonce said when receiving her award. "I remember 
> being 17-years-old and up for my first MTV award with Destiny's Child. It was 
> one of the most exciting moments in my life. So, I'd like for Taylor to come 
> out and have her moment." 

> Taylor then joined Beyonce on stage and recited her acceptance speech without 
> making reference to Kanye. 

> Still, MTV should have thrown Kanye out of the event. Had any other heckler 
> had the audacity to interrupt the broadcast, they would have been thrown out 
> and probably charged. He should not be treated any differently. 

> This dude needs help. 









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