Keith, I sort of attended one of those, back when I was young and stupid enough 
to count myself among the number. They were careful with their words around me. 
I later learned that I was fine as a figurehead in the Yougn Reps, but not so 
much welcome in personal settings. Wonder if Michael Steele has noticed that 

As for the Robo-Congress proposal, less "Rock-'Em-Sock-'Em" and more "Celebrity 
Deathmatch". Might make them smart enough to measure their words and thoughts 
before they stand up and scream "You lie!"

(Oh, BTB -- on "Countdown" last night, Olbermann had a story about Our Least 
Favorite Shouter. Remember when he proclaimed that he had once been an 
"immigration attorney"? Well, no one in SC, from other immigration attorneys to 
the SC state bar, has any record of anyone named Joe Wilson ever trying an 
immigration case. Just to be sure, they checked under his given name of 
Addison. Same result. He is a lawyer. Real-estate lawyer. Supposedly a good 
one, though...)

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 16:09:54 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Joe Wilson's Wife: I Couldn't Believe He Said It


What's funny is that she met this idiot at a "teenage Republican camp".  And 
they want to say Obama was trying to indoctrinate our kids???


And Tracey, i will take this back to scifi. There's that movie "Surrogates" 
coming out soon, starring Bruce Willis. It's about a future in which people 
stay at home and send out artificially grown (created?) surrogate bodies to 
live their lives. The people at home are plugged into the bodies via a 
sophisticated neural networking system, and feel, see, hear, taste everything 
the bodies do--in short, they're "in" the bodies.


Maybe in the future Congress will be a bunch of androids sitting permanently in 
Chambers, mouthing off and insulting the Robotic Prez with abandon. Maybe, 
while the real leaders sit at home, jacked into their VR rigs, the surrogate 
congressmen will start actual fights in Chambers: kinda like the South Koreans 
or Italian Parlimentarians do, but more intense. I can see an android Joe 
Wilson say "Brrzt! You lie!  Brrrzzzt!", then watch as Obamabot turns his laser 
scanner to fix on the audio source, then decapitates RoboJoe with a laser fired 
from his finger, only to be annoyed as the loudmouth simply pops up a new 
replacement head. 


Maybe Congress will become a place of death matches where the People control 
the Congrobots from home, a live version of Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, and the 
winners get to make legislation. Can't you see bill after bill being held up, 
only to be vaporized by weapons fire from the opposing side?



Joe Wilson's Wife: I Couldn't Believe He Said It
Posted by Brian Montopoli 

Roxanne Wilson, wife of South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson, says in a new video 
posted to YouTube that she couldn't believe her husband was "the nut" who 
shouted "You Lie!" during President Obama's address to a joint session of 
Congress last week. 

In the video, which was produced by Wilson's campaign, Roxanne Wilson explains 
her husband's actions by saying he "is very passionate." 

"I couldn't believe that Joe would say that," she says, after explaining how 
her husband informed her he was the responsible party. She goes on to note that 
people were passionate and upset in town hall meetings over the summer and that 
she thinks that was the source of the outburst. 

"Joe apologized, and I'm real proud of him, and I'm very appreciative that the 
president accepted the apology," she says. "…My husband doesn't deserve the 
treatment he's getting from Congress." 

House Democrats are today bringing to the floor a resolution of disapproval 
rebuking Wilson for breaking House rules with his outburst. 

The rest of the campaign video, it should be noted, is more of a traditional 
testimonial. In it, gentle music plays and Roxanne Wilson says that she has had 
a longtime crush on her husband, who she met at "teenage Republican camp." 

"He'll do fine," she concludes. "He's a great guy. And I love him a lot." 





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