Hawking to step down from Cambridge position

By: The Associated Press

Date: Wednesday Sep. 30, 2009

LONDON  - Physicist Stephen Hawking stepped down Wednesday as Lucasian
Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University after 30 years in the

The roughly 350-year-old position has been held by such luminaries as
Isaac Newton and Charles Babbage, one of the fathers of modern computing.
It is customary for professors to retire from the post the year they turn

Hawking, who reached that age in January, will continue to work at the
university as director of research at a department dealing with applied
mathematics and theoretical physics.

"This is an exciting time in cosmology with new observational results
coming in thick and fast and large-scale terrestrial and satellite
experiments underway," Hawking said in a statement. "I want to make sure
this progress is matched by the development of theories of the universe
which are both mathematically consistent and observationally testable."

Hawking is famous for his research on black holes and his popular works in
theoretical physics, including the book "A Brief History of Time: From the
Big Bang to Black Holes."

The university has advertised for a new Lucasian Professor and a
replacement will be announced shortly.

Last November, Hawking accepted a research post at the Perimeter Institute
for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ont. But he was unable to make a
planned trip this year because of a respiratory infection.

Hawking has remained active despite being diagnosed at 21 with an
incurable degenerative disorder, known as ALS.

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