It was good stuff. They did weaken a bit when they tried to string together 
several of the common story lines using clip shows. (shudder) And I've been 
trying to watch Enterprise, but I just had a stampede of teenagers through my 
living room. My synapses were using smoke signals to communicate.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 21:05:42 +0000
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Outer Limits" Marathon on SyFy



Sorry you missed it. Good shows.  You know, I realize how much i miss good 
scifi anthology series. One problem I have with all the shows on the tube 
now--good and bad--is that it's the same universe week after week. Shows like 
Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, etc., created completely new worlds each week, 
with different subject matter and different actors. Just in the brief marathon 
I saw today, I got to enjoy Rebecca DeMornay, John Savage, Timothy Bussfield, 
and a host of character actors from all over the place.  Really miss that 


And, there's a decent ep of "Enterprise" on now.  It was toward the end of the 
Xindi storyline, where some of the shows were actually not bad at all. After 
the time travel foolishness (the exploding sphere, then Archer's in a 
Nazi-occupied NYC???) the show got much better.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Baxter" <>
To: "SciFiNoir2" <>
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 3:54:27 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Outer Limits" Marathon on SyFy


And guess who wanders in with six minutes left in the marathon?

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 18:08:31 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] "Outer Limits" Marathon on SyFy


SyFy is running an "Outer Limits" marathon right now. They're running the eps 
from the second series from the '90s, not the original black-and-white eps. I 
will say, I always enjoyed this series. Unlike "Twilight Zone", Outer Limits 
seemed to me to have a higher quality remake. "Zone" was very hit-and-miss in 
both its reincarnations, but "Limits" was in the main very enjoyable. Perhaps 
it's because Limits tended to be more straightforward scifi, where Zone dealt 
with supernatural as well? Or maybe no one could do it as well as Serling?
At any rate, they've shown some good ones so for. The one on now starts with a 
demonic looking teddy bear pulling a little boy under his bed into limbo. Gotta 
admit: that little toy with its glowing red eyes was downright creepy!

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