Jimmy Fallon has a show because someone at NBC likes him. No one finds him
funny though. You'd be hard pressed to find someone that likes him. Maybe
teen girls?

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@comcast.net>wrote:

> Actually, Leno is that old-fashioned kind of guy who simply loves what he
> does. I've seen some interviews with him where he says he just loves
> working. He doesn't even take vacations really: he can't get sitting on a
> beach staring at the ocean when he could be talking to a crowd. Leno didn't
> want to leave "The Tonight Show". NBC in its infinite wisdom pushed him
> out--they literally asked him to leave--and then moved Conan up. Of course,
> anyone with sense could have predicted that Conan's brand of humour would
> lose the older and more conservative folks that found Jay to be safe.
> (O'Brien did pull in more young viewers, but not enough). But once they had
> O'Brien in the new slot, NBC *approached* Leno and asked him to come back
> for this new (cheaper) show. He did it because he just wanted to work. Money
> is good, of course, but he doesn't need the dough. Leno's like Samuel
> Jackson or Michael Caine--he likes to keep busy.
> So, O'Brien had to tone down his show and lose what made him unique, didn't
> do that well in the slot Leno vacated, Leno isn't doing that well in his
> slot, which was no surprise, 'cause who wants to see a non-variety show at
> that time, and David Letterman is finally beating NBC. Idiotic programming.
> On the flipside, the best new talk show in the nightime in my opinion is
> probably George Lopez. It's not great, but it has more of the old Arsenio
> flavor. Not surprising since they're buds, and Lopez straightout said he
> patterned his show after Arsenio's. Wanda Sykes' is too hit-and-miss for me,
> I can't get with the transvestive co-host which is odd.  And someone explain
> why Jimmy Fallon has a show, The Roots notwithstanding?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martin Baxter" <truthseeker...@hotmail.com>
> To: "SciFiNoir2" <scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2010 3:12:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Does NBC's Huge Pilot Order Spell Trouble For
> Jay?
> That's what the word was when he left the Tonight Show, initially. Money
> talks, I guess. And I won't say that he's done for entirely. From what I've
> seen of this stellar lineup NBC's concocted, I don't give ninety percent of
> the lot six months.
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> ------------------------------
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
> Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 09:20:52 -0800
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Does NBC's Huge Pilot Order Spell Trouble For
> Jay?
>  Wasn't there talk that Jay was going to be retiring soon? He has to go
> take care of his massive car collection / museum.
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:18 AM, Tracey de Morsella <
> tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com> wrote:
> UPDATE: *Verne Gay *over at *Newsday*, who has followed the minutiae of
> the TV business far longer than I have, furthers this theory: that NBC
> will bump Leno on Thursdays and 
> Fridays<http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/tv-zone-1.811968/jay-leno-changes-afoot-abreast-atoe-1.1685857>,
> and that a show like NBC’s planned remake of “*Rockford Files*” would only
> be suitable in a 10 p.m. weekday slot.)
> At least one of my 2010 media 
> predictions<http://industry.bnet.com/media/10005705/conan-loses-youtube-wins-in-catharine-p-taylors-six-2010-media-predictions/?tag=shell;content>came
>  true before I even wrote it — in one of those headlines that got lost
> in the holiday shuffle, *NBC* is indeed producing a lot more pilots for
> the 2010-11 TV season, 18 in 
> fact<http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=119972&nid=109456>.
> If you’re keeping score, that’s more pilots than the network has produced
> since 2003. But according to president of primetime entertainment *Angela
> Bromstad*, the huge ramping up of pilot production — last year the network
> produced only 11 — has nothing to do with the tepid ratings of the 10 p.m.
> weeknight “*Jay Leno Show*” which I’ve predicted won’t last until next
> year at this time. No, no. Instead Bromstad told *Bloomberg* that having
> Leno eat up five hours during the week will allow her to spend more time
> thinking about the 10 [weekday] hours from 8 to 10. “We have so many holes
> that we have to essentially rebuild the schedule. Not having the additional
> five hours has certainly relieved some of the pressure,” she said.
> Please, readers, take that with a grain of salt.
> It seems like ordering so many pilots (NBC plans to produce 10 one-hour
> dramas and eight 30-minute sitcoms), just might leave it with some
> additional wiggle room if it decides to deep-six the “Leno” show, which
> seems a likelihood not only because of the show’s ratings but because of the
> unfortunate ripple effect the show has had on local news and the network’s
> late-night schedule. While the chances of any pilot making it on air are
> very low, and there’s of course an even lower chance that a show will
> actually catch on, consider the following: NBC is ordering up enough pilots
> to fill the 8 to 10 slot almost one and a half times if the entire current
> schedule were to be obliterated. While that may be tempting to some who are
> sick of NBC’s seven-year ratings decline — not even counting this season —
> shows like “*The Office*“, “*Biggest Loser*” and “*Law and Order*” aren’t
> going anywhere. (Actually, Bromstad has already confirmed “Law and Order”
> isn’t going anywhere next season.)
> I’m not saying that Bromstad is exactly stretching the truth in what she
> said above, but ordering up so many pilots is a great way to hedge one’s
> bets, and if ever a broadcast network needed to do some hedging, it’s NBC.
> http://industry.bnet.com/media/10005727/nbc-is-flying-a-lot-of-pilots-is-it-really-to-fill-up-jay-leno-airspace/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bnet%2Fmedia+%28BNET+Industries+-+Media+Insights%29&utm_content=Google+Reader<http://industry.bnet.com/media/10005727/nbc-is-flying-a-lot-of-pilots-is-it-really-to-fill-up-jay-leno-airspace/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+bnet/media+%28BNET+Industries+-+Media+Insights%29&utm_content=Google+Reader>
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
> Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/
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