I'm trying to keep an open mind on this. Folks really seem to like the

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Tracey de Morsella <
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com> wrote:

>  Plucking British shows from across the pond and remaking them for
> American audiences is not a new practice. Also not new is the fact that most
> of them end in disaster. Still, anyone with half a brain knows the trend
> will continue, and that we'll just have to deal with it. But the latest show
> to get picked for Americanization even made *me* wince.
> Ready? Okay, here goes: Fox is importing 
> *Torchwood*<http://www.tv.com/torchwood/show/50470/summary.html>,
> the popular spinoff of *Doctor 
> Who*<http://www.tv.com/doctor-who/show/34391/summary.html>,
> according to *The Hollywood 
> Reporter*<http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/television/news/e3id183d5e80b48e57c7ceb299df8e4c2b0>.
> The show has a solid pack of rabid fans here in the United States, and the
> standalone miniseries *Children of Earth* delivered big-time ratings for
> BBC America when it aired last year. In other words, a lot of people are
> going to be very weary of the project.
> However, there is one indication that a U.S. *Torchwood* won't be a shell
> of its former self. Series creator Russell Davies is writing the script, and
> the rest of the *Torchwood* production team is on board for the U.S.
> version.
> Whereas the original *Torchwood* focused on a small group of operatives
> that dealt with aliens on a local basis, the U.S. version will feature a
> branch of the Torchwood Institute and cover more international territory.
> With Davies on board, there's an infinitesimal chance that the reboot will
> actually be good. What's your hope for the series?
> http://www.tv.com/torchwood-is-coming-to-the-u.s./story/20871.html?tag=hotspot;gumball;1

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