Nimrods... when will they learn that third-party is a thing at least thirty 
years in the future?

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 23:07:21 -0500
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Brown Projected for Upset Win in Massachusetts



      As a Massachusetts resident, all I can say is that I got into that voting 
booth and voted Coakley. She wasn't perfect but dammit, everyone who voted 
third party essentially got Brown into office.
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On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Keith Johnson <> 


Aw damn....well, I guess this may be a wakeup call for some of the Dems who 
were still fighting the Prez in stuff like health care.


Boston, Massachusetts (CNN)  -- Republican Scott Brown has
won Tuesday's special election for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held
by liberal Democrat Ted Kennedy, CNN projects based on actual results.  
a Massachusetts state senator, had 52 percent of the vote to 47 percent
for state Attorney General Martha Coakley, the Democratic contender,
with over 69 percent of precincts reporting in results from the
National Election Pool, a consortium of media organizations including
CNN. Independent candidate Joseph Kennedy, a libertarian who is not
related to the Kennedy political family of Massachusetts, had 1
 At stake was President Obama's domestic agenda, including health care reform.

Brown upsets Coakley, Republicans will strip Democrats of the 60-seat
Senate supermajority needed to overcome GOP filibusters against future
Senate action on a broad range of White House priorities.
numbers on election turnout are expected "to be pretty good" despite
the wintry weather, said Brian McNiff, a spokesman for the office of
Massachusetts Secretary of State Bill Galvin.

 "I don't think
weather is going to impede too many people" from coming out to vote,
McNiff said Tuesday. "I think the interest in this election will trump
any bad weather."

 Galvin predicted Monday as many 2.2 million of
the state's 4.5 million registered voters would vote -- at least double
the turnout from December's primary. In one sign of high interest, more
than 100,000 absentee ballots were requested ahead of the election,
according to McNiff.
 iReport: Send us your thoughts on the special election
was initially expected to easily win the race to replace Sen. Ted
Kennedy, known as the "liberal lion" of the Senate who made health care
reform the centerpiece of his nearly 47-year Senate career. Kennedy
died of brain cancer in August.
 Until recently, Brown was
underfunded and unknown statewide. In addition, no Republican has won a
U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts since 1972, and Democrats control the
governorship, both houses of the state legislature, and the state's
entire congressional delegation.

The latest poll, however, showed Brown leading Coakley by 7 points,
52 to 45 percent. The American Research Group survey, taken Friday
through Sunday, had a sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage
points. No polls released in the past few days showed Coakley ahead.

a sign of the high stakes involved, the Coakley campaign held an
afternoon news conference Tuesday to complain that voters in three
places received ballots already marked for Brown.
confirmed that the secretary of state's offices received two reports of
voters saying they got pre-marked ballots. The suspect ballots were
invalidated and the voters received new ballots, McNiff said.
Conroy, the Coakley campaign manager, said the "disturbing incidents"
raised questions about the integrity of the election. In response, the
Brown campaign issued a statement criticizing Coakley's team.

that the Coakley campaign is making reckless accusations regarding the
integrity of today's election is a reminder that they are a desperate
campaign," Daniel B. Winslow, the counsel for the Brown campaign, said
in the statement.

 Obama has been both "surprised and frustrated" by the race, White House Press 
Secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday. Obama
and former President Bill Clinton hit the campaign trail over the past
three days in an attempt to save Coakley's campaign, which observers
say has been hampered by complacency and missteps.
 Obama crushed Sen. John McCain in Massachusetts in 2008, beating the GOP 
presidential nominee by 26 points.

you were fired up in the last election, I need you more fired up in
this election," Obama urged a crowd at a Coakley campaign rally on

 Vicki Kennedy, the senator's widow, called on state Democrats to turn out to 
save her husband's legacy.
need your help. We need your support. We need you to get out there and
vote on Tuesday," Kennedy said. "We need you to bring your neighbors.
We need you to bring your friends."
 Brown, who has trumpeted his
30 years of service in the National Guard, hewed to traditional GOP
themes at the end of the campaign. He promised at a rally Sunday that,
if elected, he would back tax cuts and be tougher on terrorists than
 He also repeated a pledge to oppose Obama's health care reform effort.
wants real reform and not this trillion-dollar Obama health care that
is being forced on the American people," he said. "As the 41st
[Republican] senator I will make sure that we do it better."
percent of Massachusetts voters cited the economy and jobs as their top
concern in a recent 7 News/Suffolk University poll. Thirty-eight
percent mentioned health care as their top concern.
 Voters more
concerned with the economy were split almost evenly between the two
candidates; voters more worried about health care narrowly supported
 Brown's surprising strength came in part because some
independents and conservatives who have supported Democrats in the past
were having second thoughts.
 Democrats far outnumber Republicans in Massachusetts, but there are more 
independents than Democrats and Republicans combined.

Democratic sources said multiple Obama advisers have told the party
they believe Coakley is going to lose. The sources said they still
hoped Obama's weekend visit to the state, coupled with a late push by
party activists, could tip the balance in her favor, but Obama aides
have grown increasingly pessimistic since Friday.
 Facing the
possibility of Coakley's defeat, Democrats were trying to figure out if
they could pass health care reform without that crucial 60th Senate
vote. But top White House aides publicly insisted they are not engaging
in any talk of contingency plans, because they believe Coakley will
come out on top Tuesday.
 The seat is currently held by former
Kennedy aide and longtime friend Paul Kirk, who was appointed to the
seat on an interim basis.

 Galvin, the Democratic secretary of
state, said last week that certifying Tuesday's election results could
take more than two weeks -- potentially enough time to allow
congressional Democrats to pass a final health care bill before Brown
is seated, if he should win.
 But multiple Democratic sources
said this is unlikely. Even if House and Senate Democrats could reach a
deal to meld their bills and pass them in the next couple of weeks,
there would be a huge outcry from not only Republicans, but also an
increasingly distrustful public if they appeared to be rushing it
 Two Democratic sources in close contact with the White
House told CNN on Monday they've urged the administration, in the event
of a Brown victory, to push House Democrats to pass the Senate's health
care bill as currently written. Doing so would prevent the plan from
having to be taken up by the Senate again.
 "I think the Senate bill clearly is better than nothing," House Majority 
Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, said Tuesday.

third option would be for Democrats to revisit the idea of trying to
push health care through the Senate with only 51 votes -- a simple
 But to do that Democrats would have to use a process
known as reconciliation, which presents technical and procedural issues
that would delay the process for a long time. A number of Democrats are
eager to put the health care debate behind them and move on to economic
issues such as job creation as soon as possible this election year.
Democrats could also try again to get moderate GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe
of Maine to vote for a compromise health reform plan. Multiple
Democratic sources, however, have said they believe that is unlikely




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