Wow, a *tenth* season? That is amazing! They've really complicated things now. 
Clark and Lois have aged so much, it's all but impossible *not* to make him 
Superman! But there are still important stages missing before he takes that 
leap. Of course, I'm always yammering about the years of discovery, where Clark 
journeyed the Earth learning about humanity. That should have happened right 
after he left high school, but that's been skipped. I was thinking he'd still 
go on that journey at series' end. So, rather than him marrying Lois at this 
juncture, I wonder if they'll probably end the series with Clark still going 
off to find himself. 

I can see this: major events take place, perhaps Luthor, Doomsday, Zod all 
attack in the same year. In the ensuing struggles, Chloe dies (that was 
forshadowed years ago when she said, "I'd die rather than reveal your secrets, 
Clark"), Metropolis is devastated, the nascent JL is hit hard, Lana comes back 
and helps, Lois is injured. Clark realizes his life will never be the same. 
Perhaps his sorrow, anger, and resolution to improve himself--to be ready for 
the life he realizes he now *must* embrace--will cause him to leave 
Smallville/Metropolis to heal and grow, to see the world that Green Arrow is 
always telling him he must understand in order to lose the naive views he still 
has of the world. I can see Clark also not telling Lois he's Superman, the 
events making him more convinced than ever that bringing her fully into his 
life would only serve to endanger her. So, they break up, she still doesn't 
know his secret, and he leaves on that journey. Maybe Lois says something like 
"You'll be back one day, and I'll be here waiting, Smallville". 

Now, since the creators of the show swore the costume would never be worn and 
he'd never fly, I'm not sure if they'll bend those rules. Perhaps the creators 
simply met this would never happen *in* the series, but intended to do it at 
series end. So I'd end it with a sad but resolute Clark turning his back on his 
home, looking skyward, and finally--finally!--flying toward a world of 
adventure. I'd still leave the red-and-blue suit out of the picture, though. 

And to say this for the millionth time, it is a darn shame that DC decided it'd 
be too confusing to have Tom Welling and Erica Durance play Lois and Clark in 
the Superman movies. They have the perfect looks, attitudes, and chemistry. 
They'd make far superiour big screen characters than the weak and bland Routh 
and Bosworth of "Superman Returns". 


Yahoo! TV Blog 
Smallville': Predictions for the Season No One Could've Predicted 

Wow. I mean, just, wow. " Smallville " has been renewed for another season, the 
show's tenth. Do you know how few shows get ten seasons in this day and age? " 
Lost " is ending after only six; " 24 " will likely end after eight. But 
"Smallville" is harder to kill than Superman himself. 

We couldn't believe the show came back this year, so we're beyond flabbergasted 
by this latest renewal. It's obviously impossible to predict anything about 
this show, but here are our best guesses about next season: 

A New Name and Costume 
Now that Clark is regularly going on patrol as the Blur and wearing a 
kinda-sorta superhero outfit, it's time for him to take that next step. It's 
possible that they'll come up with a new take on the traditional Super-suit, 
but we're guessing they'll settle for the classic red-and-blue we all know so 

The "Kent Hardly Wait" Wedding 
We've all seen " Lois & Clark ," so we know it's coming. Eventually, Clark is 
going to tell his secret to the one person you should never tell secrets to — a 
talkative, fame-hungry reporter with delusions of grandeur. And he's going to 
tell her because, while lying to the girl you're dating is OK, lying to the 
girl you've been browbeaten into proposing to is most assuredly not. 

The Death of Chloe 
When a series comes to an end, its main characters can come out of things in 
one of two ways: alive and happy or dead and a hero. And as everyone knows, 
Chloe Sullivan has no place in established Superman mythology, so expect her to 
valiantly sacrifice herself, only to be resurrected six months later on a new 
CW show. 

The Return of Lex Luthor 
We're not saying it'll be Michael Rosenbaum — although, really, what's he doing 
right now? — but Lex Luthor is Superman's greatest foe, so we have to imagine 
that he'll eventually return in one form or another. Maybe he'll get plastic 
surgery to repair his burned and possibly blown-up flesh and look like a 
totally different bald actor. Whatever he looks like, he's going to be a member 

The Legion of Doom 
Granted, the show can barely get the lion's share of the Justice League on the 
screen at any given time, but more and more it seems like for anybody to defeat 
Clark Kent, they need to get a group of evil super-types together at once. 
Combine the powers of Metallo, Parasite, Toyman, Bizarro, Brainiac, Maxima, 
Doomsday, and Lex Luthor, and Clark Kent isn't making it to Season 11. Fingers 

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