Some guys are looking a little too hard for just about anything.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Keith Johnson <>wrote:

> I may have missed the SGU ep, "Darkness", but evidently it generated some
> talk about actress Julia Benson's...assets?  What did I miss? I do remember
> when show when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed
> he seemed to be hovering around the character's chest area.
> Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work in
> the narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were
> sometimes gratuitous scenes in "Enterprise", and, I'd argue, some of the
> more explicit stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar?
> ******************************************************
> In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of Twitter!
>  All year people have been trying to get me to -"start a blog, join twitter,
> get a facebook fanpage or a website" and all year I have resisted...and now
> after Stargate Universe's episode "Darkness" aired on Friday night, I find
> myself with something to say.  Something that people may or may not want to
> read.   As an actor, Stargate Universe has been the best thing that has ever
> happened to me.  The producers have created the best atmosphere! I love
> going to work.  I love the character I get to play, I love the people I get
> to act with, and I love the crew.  I  am now introduced to the fans.  What
> an amazing franchise that so many people out there are so passionate about
> our show.  It is a gift to be involved in something that people have
> opinions about.  As an actor it is an honor for people to have opinions
> about you.  Better that then nothing at all, right?  I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa
> James and for all the talk about my natural (and believe me they are 100%)
> assets I promise you that there is much more to my character.  Who knew that
> a tank top could cause such a stir.  LOL!! Our show is about people and
> people have sexuality.  The creators are not exploiting it, they are
> exploring it.  That is what writers, actors and directors do.  I thank all
> of you for your kind words and excitement about the show- it is thrilling to
> be in this world and I hope that you continue to enjoy SGU as the season
> goes on.  You will get to see all of the characters grow!  Aaaah first blog
> done!  Thanks for reading...I promise to post again soon.
>  Julia

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