That happened to me about a month ago. One of the addon programs for mafia
wars was a virus and began spamming all of my friends on facebook. My
account was blocked for a couple of days because of it. I also received an
email about how they were investigating the problem.

Mafia wars encourages you to have as many friends as possible for the game,
so writing a malware program like that to spam everyone was pretty simple to
do. (what FB needs is a program registration system like Apple uses for the

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Martin Baxter <>wrote:

> Keith, about a year ago, I was posting in there about every other day,
> primarily to keep up with some friends who'd been in another group with me,
> when they revamped the place, touting its "security" for the world to see.
> And then the attacks began.
> One SF group I was in, run by a British friend of mine, was completely
> *hijacked* by a troll. My friend was booted out of Facebook, unable to log
> back in for three days (something Facebook is reportedly STILL trying to
> figure out), complaining almost constantly to get back in. When the matter
> was finally resolved, Facebook posted a notice saying, in so many words, "We
> had some problems, but we *didn't* really have any problems. Everything's
> fine! Come on back in!" In addition, I picked up a stalker there (woman who
> had the same name as a cousin of mine, and looked a little like her -- the
> reason I friended her).
> That. as they say, was THAT.
> On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Keith Johnson 
> <>wrote:
>> Why is that? You mentioned recently some issues with Facebook?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Martin Baxter" <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:29:43 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
>> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Six Career-Killing Facebook Mistakes
>> Keith, I read this late yesterday, and shook my head as well. I'm not even
>> looking for a job, and I wouldn't do any of those things. But then, I left
>> Facebook a long time ago. Didn't even close the account, just stopped using
>> it.
>> On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Keith Johnson <
>> > wrote:
>>> These tips should be common sense, but I'm stunned how many people do
>>> some of this. I have friends and former co-workers who indeed post all kinds
>>> of shots of themselves drinking, partying, etc. But more than that, I'm
>>> amazed at how many people I know have posted things such as "Sitting here at
>>> this job I hate watching TV online", or, "Trying to find a better job".
>>> So take a quick peek, and if you are now looking for a job, or thinking
>>> about it, take a look at your social networking stuff out there with a more
>>> cautious eye...
>>> *******************************************************
>>> 6 Career-Killing Facebook Mistakes
>>>  by Erin Joyce, Managing Editor
>>> Wednesday, April 7, 2010
>>> provided by
>>> [image: investopedia_logo.jpg] <>
>>> With more than 400 million active visitors, Facebook is arguably the most
>>> popular social networking site out there. And while the site is known for
>>> the casual social aspect, many users also use it as a professional
>>> networking tool. With that kind of reach, Facebook can be a valuable tool
>>> for connecting to former and current colleagues, clients and potential
>>> employers. In fact, surveys suggest that approximately 30% of employers are
>>> using Facebook to screen potential employees — even more than those who
>>> check LinkedIn, a strictly professional social networking site. Don't make
>>> these Facebook faux-pas — they might cost you a great opportunity.
>>> *1. Inappropriate Pictures*
>>> It may go without saying, but prospective employers or clients don't want
>>> to see pictures of you chugging a bottle of wine or dressed up for a night
>>> at the bar. Beyond the pictures you wouldn't want your grandparents to see,
>>> seemingly innocent pictures of your personal life will likely not help to
>>> support the persona you want to present in your professional life.
>>> *2. Complaining About Your Current Job*
>>> You've no doubt done this at least once. It could be a full note about
>>> how much you hate your office, or how incompetent your boss is, or it could
>>> be as innocent as a status update about how your coworker always shows up
>>> late. While everyone complains about work sometimes, doing so in a public
>>> forum where it can be found by others is not the best career move. Though it
>>> may seem innocent, it's not the kind of impression that sits well with a
>>> potential boss.
>>> *3. Posting Conflicting Information to Your Resume*
>>> If you say on your resume that your degree is from Harvard, but your
>>> Facebook profile says you went to UCLA, you're likely to be immediately cut
>>> from the interview list. Even if the conflict doesn't leave you looking
>>> better on your resume, disparities will make you look at worst like a liar,
>>> and at best careless.
>>> *4. Statuses You Wouldn't Want Your Boss to See*
>>> Everyone should know to avoid statuses like "Tom plans to call in sick
>>> tomorrow so he can get drunk on a Wednesday. Who cares that my big work
>>> project isn't done?" But you should also be aware of less flamboyant
>>> statuses like "Sarah is watching the gold medal hockey game online at her
>>> desk". Statuses that imply you are unreliable, deceitful, and basically
>>> anything that doesn't make you look as professional as you'd like, can
>>> seriously undermine your chances at landing that new job.
>>> *5. Not Understanding Your Security Settings*
>>> The security settings on Facebook have come a long way since the site
>>> started. It is now possible to customize lists of friends and decide what
>>> each list can and cannot see. However, many people do not fully understand
>>> these settings, or don't bother to check who has access to what. If you are
>>> going to use Facebook professionally, and even if you aren't, make sure you
>>> take the time to go through your privacy options. At the very least, your
>>> profile should be set so that people who are not your friend cannot see any
>>> of your pictures or information.
>>> *6. Losing by Association*
>>> You can't control what your friends post to your profile (although you
>>> can remove it once you see it), nor what they post to their own profiles or
>>> to those of mutual friends. If a potential client or employer sees those
>>> Friday night pictures your friend has tagged you in where he is falling down
>>> drunk, it reflects poorly on you, even if the picture of you is completely
>>> innocent. It's unfortunate, but we do judge others by the company they keep,
>>> at least to some extent. Take a look at everything connected to your
>>> profile, and keep an eye out for anything you wouldn't want to show your
>>> mother.
>>> *Facebook Can Help You Get Hired … or Fired*
>>> The best advice is to lock down your personal profile so that only
>>> friends you approve can see anything on that profile. Then, create a second,
>>> public profile on Facebook purely for professional use. This profile
>>> functions like an online resume, and should only contain information you'd
>>> be comfortable telling your potential employer face to face. Having a social
>>> networking profile is a good thing — it presents you as technologically and
>>> professionally savvy. Just make sure your profile is helping to present your
>>> best side — not the side that got drunk at your buddy's New Year's party.

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