Wow, did this murderous Doctor come to his senses? Is this Regen crisis a side-effect of the process, similar to the way Ra's Al Ghul was portrayed as going temporarily mad after using the Lazarus Pit?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Baxter" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 3:41:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Dr. Who Premieres Saturday on BBC America!


Aside from missing the first half-hour to "Clerks" on Adult Swim (because I somehow missed the entire run of the series when it first came out), I've been here for every bit, a rare thing, considering that I usually can't deal with marathons. Didn't care much for "Planet of the Dead" (even though it was almost-flawless classic DW), but I'm ready anew for "The Waters of Mars", another classic-in-form.

And yep, he did. Regeneration crisis right off the bat. Apparently, someone thought that it needed to be extreme in comparison to Peter Davison's regen crisis in "Castrovalva" (him near death for most of the run of the four-parter, capable of bursts of activity followed by severe weakness and near-coma). It was extreme, alright. He grabbed Peri Brown by her neck and went to town.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Keith Johnson <> wrote:

By the way, there's an all day "Dr. who" marathon running. They're showing one now where he encounters another Doctor in the 19th Century (?), and some lady in a red dress is now ruling the Cybermen. After that is the ep "Planet of the Dead", with Michelle "Bionic Woman" Ryan, then "The Waters of Mars", and finally, "The End of Time", where he battles his crazed fellow Time Lord, and finally "dies".

Wait, wait. Colin Baker tried to *kill* his companion??

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Baxter" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:20:50 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Dr. Who Premieres Saturday on BBC America!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Been waiting for this since February, when I got the word from a friend in Canada. At noon, I'll be heading to the grocery store to lay in snacks, and my door will be locked at 7:30, computer off, work put away. (I'll have the TV on for this "Ultimate Guide" thing, but I doubt I'll pay it mind.)

And the incarnation you're talking about, Keith, sounds like Colin Baker, once he finally got past the "trying to kill his companion" stage of his incarnation.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Keith Johnson <> wrote:

Holy crap, i almost overlooked this! For some reason I thought the new Doctor wasn't premiering until June, but it's airing tomorrow night?!   I listened to a "Slice of SciFi" podcast recently about it. The crew there had already seen the first ep, "The Eleventh Hour". Doubters all, they really like the new Doctor.  The fear was that he was too young and would be too boyish and goofy. However, they were surprised to discover that this new Doctor is more professorial, more fastidious than Tenant or Eccleston's portrayals. They saw he looks young, but actually acts old, and reminds them of a throwback to a couple of the earlier incarnations. I think at least one of them was an older guy who was a combination of crotchety, deadly serious? (Martin would know).
Should be interesting...


Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide

Original Air Date: April 17, 2010

Just in time for the U.S. premiere of Doctor Who, journey into the Doctor Who universe with BBC AMERICA's original program, Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide. The program is an original, all-access look inside the world's biggest, most successful sci-fi television program. Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide premieres Saturday, April 17th at 8 pm/7c on BBC AMERICA, followed by the series premiere of the new Doctor Who at 9pm/8c.

Episode 1 - The Eleventh Hour

Written by: Steven Moffat
Directed by: Adam Smith
Original Air Date: April 17, 2010

The Doctor has regenerated into a brand new man, but danger strikes before he can even recover. With the TARDIS wrecked, and the sonic screwdriver destroyed, the new Doctor has just twenty minutes to save the whole world - and only Amy Pond to help him.

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