iRobot's oozy ChemBot amazes and terrifies
by Leslie Katz <>

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For now, it's palm-size, sure, but what if something terrible happens, and
it can't stop inflating?
(Credit: YouTube screenshot by Leslie Katz/CNET)

We're getting a first glimpse of that shape-shifting
ChemBot<>we first
told you about last year, and well, it looks like the love child of
a beating heart and a wad of Silly Putty.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the U.S. Army Research
Office awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to iRobot to create the
flexible military bot. The maker of the Roomba and Scooba, along with
University of Chicago researchers, showed off the oozy results at the Iros
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)
St. Louis this week.

DARPA envisions the palm-size ChemBot as a mobile robot that can traverse
soft terrain and navigate through small openings, such as tiny wall cracks,
during reconnaissance and search-and-rescue missions. It gets around by way
of a process called "jamming," in which material can transition between
semiliquid and solid states with only a slight change in volume.

In ChemBot's case, a flexible silicone skin encapsulates a series of pockets
containing a mix of air and loosely packed particles. When air is removed
from the compartments, the skin attempts to equalize the pressure
differential by constricting the particles, which shift slightly to fill the
void left by the evacuated air.

In that way, the weird little blob inflates and deflates parts of its body,
changing size and shape--and scaring the living daylights out of us. We
don't know exactly when ChemBot will join the Armed Forces, but we can only
beg: please, oh please, keep it away from us.

 *(Via IEEE 

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