I sent this yesterday very late. Never saw it come through

I have been fairly disappointed all season. I feel like they totally blew it. I 
really didnt think they would really boil the entire thing down to simply 
morality tale of good vs evil where the good guys literally ride off into the 
sunset. Maybe the Lost writers planned it that way all along. If so they conned 
everyone into believing the "everything is not what it appears to be" lie 
they've been touting since the beginning. There were some touching moments and 
some fine acting in the last hoorah but really, it was just another easy wrap 
that deftly avoided actual complexity. From series that's been paying lip 
service to complexity since it began. They asked us to believe they would do 
better and promised to deliver and in the end, they didnt. No real suprise 
there but disappointing none the less. It wasn't terrible but it could have and 
should have been soooo much more.I don't feel betrayed as I did with Galactica 
but I definitely feel like I was
 promised gourmet meal and got McDonald's instead.



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