Can you tell I love this show? Tonight's new ep (on now) sets a Roman Centurion 
against an Indian Rajput. I've been looking for something like this. India has 
contributed a great deal to armed and unarmed combat, and had some unique 
weaponry. The matchup ought to be interesting, though in the early comments, 
the "Deadliest Warrior" team all seems to lean toward the Roman, based on the 
empire's centuries of experience in warfare, and their perfection of creating 
the career soldier. 
Either way, such a fight with be brutal. the Rajput expert (who's descended 
from a royal line of Rajput) literally eviscerated a pig carcass with his 
weaponry. Primarily he's using that weapon which is basically a large stabbing 
knife attached to a glove which allows one to stab with the fist, using all the 
force of the straightened arm behind it. That device went through the Roman 
chain mail like the proverbial knife through butter. 
Have to admit, though, even I winced a bit at all the copious blood streaming 
from the carcass of that hapless swine. 

Blood on the Sand: Roman Centurion vs. Rajput 

Tonight on Deadliest Warrior , a Rajput warrior faces down a Roman Centurion in 
a fight to the finish. This week's Blood on the Sand stares down these two 
warriors and offers you an inside look at tonight's fight. 

Hey dudes, Max here. Thanks for sticking with us, and sending in your questions 
to The Aftermath - I think Gary had a great time answering your questions, and 
I know Geoff is looking forward to handling them this week. 

Tonight we've got a Roman Centurion squaring off against a Rajput Warrior, and 
you don't need me to tell you what makes this fight interesting. This is one of 
those apples and oranges comparisons as only Deadliest Warrior would do it. 

On the one hand, we've got our Centurions representing the best of Rome and her 
legions. I'd be kidding myself if I didn't say an interest in Roman history is 
what started me on the path that would eventually lead me to Deadliest Warrior 
. In the interest of full disclosure, allow me to admit I held a small bias 
towards our Centurions when we started. We stand here, the beneficiaries of 
Rome's legacy, 2763 years removed from the beginning of one of history's 
grandest experiments. For instance: Scientists plan on using four metric tons 
of lead mined by Romans to shield a neutrino detector. Think about that for a 
minute - what Roman hands clawed from the earth over 2000 years ago is being 
used for cutting edge physics research today. Don't even get me started on the 

But arguably, what made Rome great was administration and coordination. Her 
legions are remembered today for their discipline and organization, and their 
ability to utilize the strength of Rome's numbers, something that is of little 
use in our format. I'm sorry to say, but in a one-on-one fight against our 
Rajput, we may be looking at what is politely called "a Teutoburg situation." 

Our Rajput warriors fight with some of the most ornate (and yet functional!) 
weaponry we've seen to date. Importantly, they too left an enduring legacy. 
Remarkably, there were Rajput states up through the formation of the modern 
Indian state. No easy task, when you consider the myriad of enemies they faced 
across this vast span of time. 

However, having been largely ignorant of their history until we did this 
episode, I'd prefer to keep my foot out of my mouth, and suggest you pick up a 
book rather than take my/our word on it. 

All said, this really is one of the more interesting and unusual matchups we've 
seen this season, I hope you'll enjoy it. 

Be sure to shoot us your questions over Twitter as you're watching the show, 
and leave a comment here or on Deadliest Warrior's facebook page if you want to 
see it on The Aftermath . You can find me, the Doc, or Geoff on Twitter as 
@MaxGeiger , @DrDorian , and @GeoffDesmoulin , and be sure to check out Geoff 
and the Doc's websites while you're at it. 

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